David Blair

Emeritus Professor, BSc W.Aust., PhD E.Anglia, MAIP

  • The University of Western Australia (M013), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Review article

Search results

  • 2020

    Gravity and warped time - clarifying conceptual confusions in general relativity

    Kersting, M., Toellner, R., Blair, D. & Burman, R., 2020, In: Physics Education. 55, 12 p., 015023.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)
  • Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA

    KAGRA Collaboration & LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaborations, 1 Dec 2020, In: Living Reviews in Relativity. 23, 1, 3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    480 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2018

    Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA

    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the KAGRA Collaboration, 1 Dec 2018, In: Living Reviews in Relativity. 21, 1, 3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    888 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2017

    Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger

    LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaborations, Fermi GBM, Icecube Collaboration, AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team, IPN Collaboration, The Insight-Hxmt Collaboration, Antares Collaboration, The Swift Collaboration, AGILE Team, The 1M2H Team, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, GRAWITA: GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm, ATCA: Australia Telescope Compact Array, ASKAP: Australian SKA Pathfinder, Las Cumbres Observatory Group, OzGrav, DWF (Deeper Wider Faster program) AST3 and CAASTRO Collaborations, The VINROUGE Collaboration, MASTER Collaboration, J-GEM, & 28 othersGROWTH JAGWAR Caltech-NRAO TTU-NRAO and NuSTAR Collaborations, Pan-STARRS, TZAC Consortium, The MAXI Team, KU Collaboration, Nordic Optical Telescope, ePESSTO, GROND, Texas Tech University, SALT Group, TOROS: Transient Robotic Observatory of the South Collaboration, The BOOTES Collaboration, MWA: Murchison Widefield Array, IKI-GW Follow-up Collaboration, The CALET Collaboration, H.E.S.S. Collaboration, LOFAR Collaboration, LWA: Long Wavelength Array, HAWC Collaboration, The Pierre Auger Collaboration, ALMA Collaboration, Euro VLBI Team, Pi of the Sky Collaboration, The Chandra Team at McGill University, DFN: Desert Fireball Network, ATLAS, High Time Resolution Universe Survey & RIMAS and RATIR, 1 Jan 2017, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 848, 2, L12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2937 Citations (Scopus)
  • Teaching Einsteinian physics at schools: Part 3, review of research outcomes

    Kaur, T., Blair, D., Moschilla, J., Stannard, W. & Zadnik, M., 2017, In: Physics Education. 52, 6, 065014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    32 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2014

    Concepts and research for future detectors: Summary of the Amaldi 10 C4 session

    Acernese, F., Barone, F. R., Bell, A. S., Bergmann, G., Blair, D., Born, M., Brown, D. A., Chen, X., Danilishin, S., Degallaix, J., Denker, T., Di Virgilio, A. D., Frajuca, C., Friedrich, D., Fulda, P. J., Grote, H., Huttner, S. H., Kato, J., Köhlenbeck, S., Leavey, S., & 103 othersLück, H., Nakano, M., Palmer, R. N., Punturo, M., Raffai, P., Schütte, D., Simakov, D. A., Slagmolen, B. J. J., Somiya, K., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Tarabrin, S. P., Wade, A. R., Wang, M., Westphal, T., Zhao, C., Adhikari, R. X., Adier, M., Agatsuma, K., Barr, B. W., Bassiri, R., Bauchrowitz, J., Blair, C., Bond, C., Bongs, K., Bortoli, F. S., Cagnoli, G., Calia, P., Canonico, R., Carbone, L., Chua, S., Coccia, E., Cripe, J., Cunningham, L., Danzmann, K. V., De Rosa, R. D., Fafone, V., Fejer, M. M., Flaminio, R. R., Fontaine, J. P., Forest, D. H., Freise, A., Furusawa, A., Garufi, F. S., Giordano, G., Gondán, L., Gordon, N., Goßler, S., Gräf, C. P., Granata, M., Hammerer, K., Heng, I., Heurs, M., Hild, S., Hirobayashi, S., Hough, J. H., Ju, L., Kaufer, H., Kawamura, H., Kawamura, S., Kelecsényi, N., Khalaidovski, A., Khalili, F. Y. A., Kuroda, K., Loddo, G., Logue, J., Ma, Y., Macarthur, J. L., Magalhães, N. S., Majorana, E., Malvezzi, V., Márka, S., Márka, Z., Martin, I. W., Mcclelland, D. E., Meinders, M., Michel, C., Miller, J. M. C. L., Morgado, N., Müller-Ebhardt, H., Naticchioni, L., Nguyen, T. T. H., Perciballi, M., Pinard, L., Puppo, P., Rapagnani, P., Ricci, F. P., Risson, P., Rocchi, A., Rocco, E., Romano, R., Route, R. K., Rowan, S., Sakata, S., Schnabel, R., Shaddock, D. A., Sorazu, B., Stefszky, M. S., Steinmeyer, D., Strain, K. A., Voronchev, N. V., Ward, R. L. & Wimmer, M. H., 2014, In: General Relativity and Gravitation. 46, 5, p. 1-20

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview article

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2011

    The AIGO project

    Ju, L., Blair, D., Davidson, J., Mcclelland, D. E., Munch, J., Scott, S. M., Wen, L. & Zhao, C., 2011, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 20, 10, p. 2087-2092

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview article

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2006

    The Gravity Discovery Centre: A new science education centre linked to research at the frontier of physics

    Blair, D., De Laeter, J., Deshon, F., Meagher, R., Nicolson, D. & Cody, G., 2006, In: Teaching Science. 52, 20, p. 30-35

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview article

  • 2003

    The Gravity Discovery Centre: A New Science Education Linked to research at the Frontier of Physics

    Blair, D., Anderson, S., Annison, D., Barrett-Lennard, J., Birman, J., Blair, P., Cain, M., Caporn, P., De Laeter, J., Deshon. F., N. V., Galbraith, K., Gamblen, P., Hardy, L., Harvey, P., Horne, E., Jewkes, R., Kelly, L., Korczynskyj, Y., Lamb, A., Langley, M., & 16 othersMeagher, R., Nicolson, D., Partridge, L., Pow, J., Scott, C., Solomen, G., South, M., Starr, M., Swain, T., Tarry, J., Shaw, N., Theunissen, M., Heurk, P. V., Wilkinson, M., Yeo, S. & Clark, A., 2003, In: Science Education International. 14, 3, p. 30-42

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview article