Projects per year
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Integrated Safety Analysis: Vehicular Dynamics on Freeway Ramps and Road Safety Interventions in WA Regional Towns
Albrecht, M. (Investigator 01), Sun, C. (Investigator 02), Banchero, S. (Investigator 03), Roberts, P. (Investigator 04), Senserrick, T. (Investigator 05) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 06)
1/02/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Potential for carbon capture and reduced GHG emissions through innovative asphalt pavement design – use of bio char waste
Hu, Y. (Investigator 01), Leek, C. (Investigator 02), Sun, C. (Investigator 03) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 04)
3/03/23 → 3/03/25
Project: Research
Optimising video analytics for traffic data collection and calibration incorporating fixed camera videos
Sun, C. (Investigator 01) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 02)
15/08/22 → 14/08/24
Project: Research
A data-driven approach to improve roundabout modelling using drone video content analytics
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Stemler, T. (Investigator 02), Small, M. (Investigator 03), Olaru, D. (Investigator 04) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 05)
1/04/22 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Machine learning models for road maintenance investment decision making
Sun, C. (Investigator 01) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 02)
Planning and Transport Research Centre PaTReC
1/11/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Real Time Model for Estimating Delays at Traffic Signals
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 02) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 03)
1/11/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Integrated IoT, computer vision and machine learning technologies for smarter bridge health monitoring and prediction
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Sun, C. (Investigator 02), Li, J. (Investigator 03) & Mansoor, A. (Investigator 04)
1/09/21 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
Australian Transport Research Cloud (ATRC) Platform
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Sun, C. (Investigator 02), Olaru, D. (Investigator 03) & Smith, B. (Investigator 04)
Australian Research Data Commons ARDC
1/01/21 → 29/12/23
Project: Research
Working from Home - Changes in Transport Demand - Perth
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Olaru, D. (Investigator 02), Smith, B. (Investigator 03), Lee, J. (Investigator 04), Sun, C. (Investigator 05), Chi, S. (Investigator 06), Clements, K. (Investigator 07) & Martinus, K. (Investigator 08)
1/12/20 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
Modelling perimeter controls based on macroscopic fundamental diagrams
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Stemler, T. (Investigator 02) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 03)
1/12/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Smart Transport Technology Roadmap
Chi, S. (Investigator 01), Biermann, S. (Investigator 02), Olaru, D. (Investigator 03), Sun, C. (Investigator 04), Braunl, T. (Investigator 05), Meuleners, L. (Investigator 06), Boussaid, F. (Investigator 07) & Bennamoun, M. (Investigator 08)
28/10/20 → 15/07/22
Project: Research
Parameters for Roundabout Modelling
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Stemler, T. (Investigator 02), Small, M. (Investigator 03) & Polpo, A. (Investigator 04)
1/05/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Research
Enhanced Vehicle Detection at Traffic Signals and Smart FreewaysM
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Bennamoun, M. (Investigator 02), Boussaid, F. (Investigator 03) & Sun, C. (Investigator 04)
1/03/20 → 29/08/24
Project: Research
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimisation For Network Widening and Maintenance Scheduling
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), French, T. (Investigator 02), Hu, Y. (Investigator 03), While, R. (Investigator 04), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 05) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 06)
1/11/19 → 31/08/20
Project: Research
Drone Video Analytics for Short-Term Traffic Prediction
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 02), Huynh, D. (Investigator 03), Hassan, M. (Investigator 04) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 05)
1/05/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Using Big Data to Predict Incidents on Roads
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 02), Liu, W. (Investigator 03) & Stemler, T. (Investigator 04)
1/10/18 → 31/07/19
Project: Research
Peer Review of MRWA’s Value Driver Model - Supplementary analysis in support of the approved iMOVE CRC project: Enhanced short and longer term network performance prediction capabilities through data-driven analytics and simulation
Sun, C. (Investigator 01), Olaru, D. (Investigator 02), Taplin, J. (Investigator 03) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 04)
7/05/18 → 3/08/18
Project: Research
Pulse of Perth: Visualising Public Transport Data Study
Sun, C. (Investigator 01) & Biermann, S. (Investigator 02)
The Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Assessment of feasibility and benefits of video analytics as applied to video footage from existing Main Roads WA cameras
Reynolds, M. (Investigator 01), Huynh, D. (Investigator 02), Sun, C. (Investigator 03) & Liu, C. (Investigator 04)
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
RailSmart Wanneroo Planning Support System
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Cardell-Oliver, R. (Investigator 02), Smith, B. (Investigator 03), Olaru, D. (Investigator 04), Martinus, K. (Investigator 05), Sun, C. (Investigator 06), Standing, C. (Investigator 07) & Jie, F. (Investigator 08)
Department of the Prime Minister & the Cabinet
1/07/17 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
RailSmart Wanneroo Planning Support System
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Cardell-Oliver, R. (Investigator 02), Smith, B. (Investigator 03), Olaru, D. (Investigator 04), Martinus, K. (Investigator 05), Sun, C. (Investigator 06), Standing, C. (Investigator 07) & Jie, F. (Investigator 08)
Department of the Prime Minister & the Cabinet
1/07/17 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
Enhanced short and longer term network performance prediction capabilities through data-driven analytics and simulation
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Sun, C. (Investigator 02), Liu, W. (Investigator 03), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 04) & Olaru, D. (Investigator 05)
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
RailSmart Wanneroo Planning Support System
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Cardell-Oliver, R. (Investigator 02), Smith, B. (Investigator 03), Olaru, D. (Investigator 04), Martinus, K. (Investigator 05), Sun, C. (Investigator 06), Standing, C. (Investigator 07) & Jie, F. (Investigator 08)
Department of the Prime Minister & the Cabinet
1/07/17 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
RailSmart Wanneroo Planning Support System
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Cardell-Oliver, R. (Investigator 02), Smith, B. (Investigator 03), Olaru, D. (Investigator 04), Martinus, K. (Investigator 05), Sun, C. (Investigator 06), Standing, C. (Investigator 07) & Jie, F. (Investigator 08)
Department of the Prime Minister & the Cabinet
1/07/17 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
iMove/PATREC Projects - Commitment of Supplementary Project Funding: Enhancing short and longer term network performance prediction capabilities through data-driven analytics and simulation
Biermann, S. (Investigator 01), Sun, C. (Investigator 02), Liu, W. (Investigator 03), Reynolds, M. (Investigator 04), Olaru, D. (Investigator 05) & Stemler, T. (Investigator 06)
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Addressing Future Uncertainties of Perth at 3.5 Million: What-If Scenarious for Mass Transit
Olaru, D. (Investigator 01), Smith, B. (Investigator 02) & Sun, C. (Investigator 03)
Planning and Transport Research Centre PaTReC
1/10/16 → 30/09/17
Project: Research