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Blakey, J. (Investigator 01)
Arrowhead Australia ex Novotech Australia, Arrowhead Australia Pty Ltd
19/09/22 → 27/09/24
Project: Research
Implementation of an optimised model of care for familial hypercholesterolaemia: role of primary care and its integration with specialist services
Pang, J. (Investigator 01), Moullin, J. (Investigator 02), Watts, G. (Investigator 03), Nowak, K. (Investigator 04), Garton-Smith, J. (Investigator 05), Della-Vedova, J. (Investigator 06) & Sarkies, M. (Investigator 07)
Royal Perth Hospital Medical Research Foundation
12/09/22 → 14/11/24
Project: Research
Implementation of a Statin Intolerance Registry
Ward, N. (Investigator 01)
Royal Perth Hospital Medical Research Foundation
12/09/22 → 12/09/24
Project: Research
Co-designing an equitable approach to early self-regulation promotion.
Finlay-Jones, A. (Investigator 01), Marriott, R. (Investigator 02), Brinkman, S. (Investigator 03), Ohan, J. (Investigator 04), Milroy, H. (Investigator 05) & Downs, J. (Investigator 06)
1/09/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Early Valve Replacement guided by Biomarkers of Left Ventricular Decompensation in Asymptomatic Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis (EVOLVED)
Hillis, G. (Investigator 01)
24/08/22 → 31/10/23
Project: Research
Future Health Research and Innovation Fund
Smith, K. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 15/08/24
Project: Research
Providing an unparalleled immunological assessment of transgender adolescents receiving cross-sex hormone therapy
Leffler, J. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Zeiss Celldiscoverer7 for automated high resolution imaging of complex biomedical samples
Fox, A. (Investigator 01), Choi, Y. S. (Investigator 02), Rodger, J. (Investigator 03), Tang, A. (Investigator 04), Hool, L. (Investigator 05), Pillow, J. (Investigator 06), Lister, R. (Investigator 07), Bond, C. (Investigator 08), Hodgetts, S. (Investigator 09), Chen, K. (Investigator 10), Blancafort, P. (Investigator 11), Redfern, A. (Investigator 12), Swaminatha Iyer, I. (Investigator 13), Smith, N. (Investigator 14), Marshall, A. (Investigator 15), Fear, M. (Investigator 16), Wood, F. (Investigator 17), Evans, C. (Investigator 18), Chooi, H. (Investigator 19) & Rassell, A. (Investigator 20)
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
1/07/22 → 31/10/23
Project: Research
Continuous Improvement in Care – Cancer (CICCancer) transition planning and WA Health Patient Reported Experience and Outcomes Measures (PREMS/PROMS) current state
Saunders, C. (Investigator 01), McNamara, J. (Investigator 02), Millar, L. (Investigator 03), Do, T. (Investigator 04) & Ives, A. (Investigator 05)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers for Malignant Mesothelioma
Nowak, A. (Investigator 01), Chin, M. (Investigator 02), Creaney, J. (Investigator 03) & Forrest, A. (Investigator 04)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Unravelling the epigenomic, transcriptomic, and synaptic regulatory mechanisms governing memory consolidation and update to understand cognitive decline in agin
Clement, O. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund
Flicker, L. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 7/07/24
Project: Research
Functional imaging as a pathway to characterising glioma and predicting treatment outcomes
Ebert, M. (Investigator 01), Bynevelt, M. (Investigator 02), Gill, S. (Investigator 03), Francis, R. (Investigator 04), Rowshan Farzad, P. (Investigator 05), Chin, M. (Investigator 06) & Dyke, J. (Investigator 07)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Exploring the impact of outdoor advertising through the eyes of children
Trapp, G. (Investigator 01), Martin, K. (Investigator 02), Brinkman, S. (Investigator 03), Hooper, P. (Investigator 04), Pulker, C. (Investigator 05), Mandzufas, J. (Investigator 06) & Howard, J. (Investigator 07)
1/07/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Fertility treatment and cerebral palsy: has the association changed in Australia?
Hansen, M. (Investigator 01), Kemp-Casey, A. (Investigator 02), Goldsmith, S. (Investigator 03) & McIntyre, S. (Investigator 04)
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation
1/07/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Primary care phenotyping of chronic lung disease through digital pathology
Garratt, L. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Epigenetic biomarkers of heterologous protection: accelerating vaccine design
Martino, D. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
WA Near-miss Awards: Ideas Grants 2021
Balaratnasingam, C. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Exploring a primary-tertiary shared-care model for familial hypercholesterolaemia genetic cascade testing
Pang, J. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/07/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Award - Jonathan Carapetis
Carapetis, J. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Award - Joost Lesterhuis
Lesterhuis, W. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Award - Raelene Endersby
Endersby, R. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Award - Yael Perry
Perry, Y. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards - Andre Schultz
Schultz, A. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Provision of research and digital services to support the development frameworks to measure physical activity and physical literacy through the Sporting Schools program
Derbyshire, A. (Investigator 01), Rosenberg, M. (Investigator 02), Jackson, B. (Investigator 03) & Thornton, A. (Investigator 04)
30/06/22 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards (REA) 2022 (Luke Garratt)
Garratt, L. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards (REA) in 2022 (Steve Stick)
Stick, S. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards 2022 - Liz Davis
Davis, E. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards (REA) 2022 (Christopher Blyth)
Blyth, C. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Research Excellence Awards (REA) - Debbie Palmer
Palmer, D. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
30/06/22 → 29/06/24
Project: Research
Activating the power of anti-cancer immunity using small molecule drugs (1.)
Lesterhuis, W. (Investigator 01), Piggott, M. (Investigator 02) & Vrielink, A. (Investigator 03)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
28/06/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Repurposing ion channel drugs to treat brain cancer
Johns, T. (Investigator 01), Fletcher, E. (Investigator 02) & Kuchibhotia, M. (Investigator 03)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
28/06/22 → 27/06/24
Project: Research
REA Filipovska
Filipovska, A. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
27/06/22 → 26/06/24
Project: Research
REA Ganss
Ganss, R. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
27/06/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Refining a novel molecular diagnostic test for prediction of women at high risk of preterm birth
Payne, M. (Investigator 01), Newnham, J. (Investigator 02), Keelan, J. (Investigator 03), Doherty, D. (Investigator 04), Masson, L. (Investigator 05) & Mokany, E. (Investigator 06)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
27/06/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
REA Laing
Laing, N. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
27/06/22 → 26/06/24
Project: Research
Transforming residential aged care through evidence-based informatics
Westbrook, J. (Investigator 01), Raban, M. (Investigator 02), Manias, E. (Investigator 03), Cameron, I. (Investigator 04), Coiera, E. (Investigator 05), Bucknall, T. (Investigator 06), Etherton-Beer, C. (Investigator 07), Seaman, K. (Investigator 08), Zwar, N. (Investigator 09), Braithwaite, J. (Investigator 10), Wabe, N. (Investigator 11), Li, L. (Investigator 12), Morgan, M. (Investigator 13) & Bell, S. (Investigator 14)
Medical Research Future Fund MRFF
1/06/22 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Improving coverage, confidence and knowledge about COVID-19 vaccination among Aboriginal Women of child-bearing age in Western Australia
Eades, A. M. (Investigator 01), Eades, S. (Investigator 02), Attwell, K. (Investigator 03), Bradfield, Z. (Investigator 04), Blyth, C. (Investigator 05), Coffin, J. (Investigator 06), Hamilton, S. (Investigator 07), Carlson, S. (Investigator 08), Symons, M. (Investigator 09), Liu, H. M. (Investigator 10), Culbong, T. (Investigator 11) & Nelson, L. (Investigator 12)
Medical Research Future Fund MRFF
1/06/22 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Kids’ Meals: What do parents and food business owners in the EMHS think about improving the nutritional quality of Kids’ Meals?
Trapp, G. (Investigator 01)
East Metropolitan Health Service
1/06/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Non Expert Acquisition and Remote Expert Review of Screening echocardiography images from Child health and AnteNatal clinics (NEARER SCAN)
Katzenellenbogen, J. (Investigator 01), Haynes, E. (Investigator 02) & Cannon, J. (Investigator 03)
Medical Research Future Fund MRFF
1/06/22 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
2022 Research Excellence Awards FHRI Fund
Newnham, J. (Investigator 01)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/06/22 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
A novel approach to stroke risk prediction in type 2 diabetes incorporating machine learning
Davis, T. (Investigator 01), Bennamoun, M. (Investigator 02) & Davis, W. (Investigator 03)
1/06/22 → 1/06/23
Project: Research
Youth Safe Haven: an alternative to the emergency department for youth at risk of suicide in the Peel region
Lin, A. (Investigator 01), Perkins, A. (Investigator 02), Poller, A. (Investigator 03), Britton, E. (Investigator 04), Nockolds, D. (Investigator 05), Hill, N. (Investigator 06), Perry, Y. (Investigator 07), Uink, B. (Investigator 08), Francis, J. (Investigator 09), Alvares, G. (Investigator 10), Mitrou, F. (Investigator 11), Bullen, J. (Investigator 12), Saldaris, J. (Investigator 13), Downs, J. (Investigator 14), Passmore, H. (Investigator 15), Jackson, B. (Investigator 16) & Strauss, P. (Investigator 17)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/06/22 → 31/05/23
Project: Research
Valar Labs AI Predicting response to BCG
Hayne, D. (Investigator 01)
1/06/22 → 1/06/23
Project: Research
Junk-food filled neighbourhoods: building a local evidence base for change
Trapp, G. (Investigator 01)
6/05/22 → 6/05/24
Project: Research
ENDIA Helmsley Trust Funding
Morahan, G. (Investigator 01)
Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
4/05/22 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Stability/compatibility data on critical IV drug admixtures and extemporaneous drug reformulations used in the treatment of young children in WA
Locher, C. (Investigator 01), Hauser, N. (Investigator 02) & Lim, L. Y. (Investigator 03)
1/05/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Research
McKenzie, L. (Investigator 01), Tomkinson, S. (Investigator 02), Attwell, K. (Investigator 03), Hughes, C. (Investigator 04), Phillips, A. (Investigator 05), Bradfield, Z. (Investigator 06), Duggleby, T. (Investigator 07), Ford, T. (Investigator 08), Nelson, N. (Investigator 09) & Cake, J. (Investigator 10)
Department of Health (Western Australia)
1/05/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research