Projects per year
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Befriendas - NARI
Clifford, R. (Investigator 01) & Baldassar, L. (Investigator 02)
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
31/03/22 → 25/12/22
Project: Research
Pingelly Virtual Village and Staying in Place
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02), Stevens, C. (Investigator 03), Lozeva, S. (Investigator 04) & Du Plooy, C. (Investigator 05)
1/12/21 → 30/08/24
Project: Research
PSC Evaluation of the High Potential Senior Leader Initiative
Kragt, D. (Investigator 01) & Wee, S. (Investigator 02)
Public Sector Commission (Western Australia)
1/12/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Digital Literacy Project
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02), Stevens, C. (Investigator 03) & Dewey, B. T. (Investigator 04)
22/03/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
International Coalition of Research Centres in Migration
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Stevens, C. (Investigator 02), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 03), Lozeva, S. (Investigator 04), Fozdar, F. (Investigator 05), Caspersz, D. (Investigator 06), Prout Quicke, S. (Investigator 07), Elfving-Hwang, J. (Investigator 08) & Vokes, R. (Investigator 09)
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
1/03/21 → 29/02/24
Project: Research
Reducing COVID-19 related risk in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A WA sector-wide approach for the culturally and linguistically diverse workforce and residents with cognitive impairment
Martini, A. (Investigator 01), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 02), De Almeida, O. (Investigator 03), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 04) & Stevens, C. (Investigator 05)
22/02/21 → 22/02/22
Project: Research
Let's Get Social
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02), Stevens, C. (Investigator 03) & Lozeva, S. (Investigator 04)
Department of Communities (Western Australia)
11/01/21 → 14/01/22
Project: Research
GENIE for Social Care Trial
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02), Stevens, C. (Investigator 03), Vassilev, I. (Investigator 04), Blitz-Cokis, K. (Investigator 05) & Noonan, G. (Investigator 06)
Department of Communities (Western Australia)
2/11/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Design and undertake qualitative and quantitative research into elder abuse prevalence, drivers and protective factors in Western Australia
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02), Stevens, C. (Investigator 03), Blitz-Cokis, K. (Investigator 04), Ottolini, F. (Investigator 05) & Noonan, G. (Investigator 06)
Department of Communities (Western Australia)
11/06/20 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
Evaluation of Pingelly Anti-Ageism Campaign
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02) & Stevens, C. (Investigator 03)
Department of Communities (Western Australia)
1/06/20 → 28/02/21
Project: Research
Subconsultancy - Walk Wise active aging review and content development
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01)
National Heart Foundation of Australia
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Collaborative decision-making and policy co-design in Australian schooling policy
Savage, G. (Investigator 01) & de Carvalho, D. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Outcomes Measures in Residential Aged Care
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01) & Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02)
30/08/19 → 18/10/19
Project: Research
Valued Neighbours Project
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01) & Krzyzowski, L. (Investigator 02)
WA Disability Services Commission
1/08/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
School autonomy and parent engagement in disadvantaged communities
Savage, G. (Investigator 01) & Gerrard, J. (Investigator 02)
ARC Australian Research Council
2/06/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Analysis and Report of NSW RFS Volunteer Entry & Exit Survey Data from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
Kragt, D. (Investigator 01)
1/04/19 → 30/10/20
Project: Research
Qantifying catastrophic bushfire consequences
Florec, V. (Investigator 01), Harold, T. (Investigator 02) & Hawkins, J. (Investigator 03)
Bushfire CRC (Cooperative Research Centre)
1/08/18 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Agriculture Research Data Cloud
Taylor, N. (Investigator 01), Biddulph, B. (Investigator 02), Millar, H. (Investigator 03), Callow, N. (Investigator 04), Colmer, T. (Investigator 05) & Leske, B. (Investigator 06)
Australian Research Data Commons ARDC
1/06/18 → 31/05/19
Project: Research
UWA Led WUN RDF - Communicating Good Health and Wellbeing: Promotion, Advocacy and Resilience
Cover, R. (Investigator 01), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 02), Fozdar, F. (Investigator 03), Attwell, K. (Investigator 04), Bartlett, A. (Investigator 05), Carr, S. (Investigator 06), Mavaddat, N. (Investigator 07) & Christian, H. (Investigator 08)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Sustainability Fund Grant - A social Care Approach to Ageing: Extending the WUN global initiative promoting meaningful engagement of persons with adanced dementia ageing in supported living environments
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Etherton-Beer, C. (Investigator 02), Du Toit, S. (Investigator 03), Manchester, H. (Investigator 04), Vassilev, I. (Investigator 05), Kilkey, M. (Investigator 06), Buchanan, H. (Investigator 07) & Wong, E. (Investigator 08)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Evaluation of Choices Post-Discharge Service
Wood, L. (Investigator 01), Vallesi, S. (Investigator 02), Kragt, D. (Investigator 03), Tuson, M. (Investigator 04) & Flatau, P. (Investigator 05)
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Career Firefighters’ Transition into Retirement Phase II: In-depth analysis and feasibility study
Kragt, D. (Investigator 01)
Department of Fire and Emergency Services (Western Australia)
1/07/17 → 1/09/18
Project: Research
Rice and seagrass roots in anoxic sediments: coping with soil phytotoxins for productive wetland crops and aquatic ecosystems
Colmer, T. (Chief Investigator), Kendrick, G. (Investigator 02), Pedersen, O. (Investigator 03), Nakazono, M. (Investigator 04) & Takahashi, H. (Investigator 05)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Evaluation of Age-friendly Communities Local Government Grants Program
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Stevens, C. (Investigator 02), Millard, A. (Investigator 03), Fozdar, F. (Investigator 04) & Flatau, P. (Investigator 05)
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (Western Australia)
1/01/17 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Ageing and New Media
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Wilding, R. (Investigator 02), Etherton-Beer, C. (Investigator 03), Esmond, J. (Investigator 04), Elfving-Hwang, J. (Investigator 05), Manchester, H. (Investigator 06), Vassilev, I. (Investigator 07), Bacigalupe, G. (Investigator 08), Du Toit, S. (Investigator 09), Kilkey, M. (Investigator 10), Dong, H. (Investigator 11), Schweppe, C. (Investigator 12), Boccagni, P. (Investigator 13), Kalavar, J. (Investigator 14), Thang, L. (Investigator 15) & Ho, E. (Investigator 16)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Understanding the Effects of Transnational Mobility on Youth Transitions
Harris, A. (Investigator 01), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 02) & Robertson, S. (Investigator 03)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/17 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Gustavo Striker to visit UWA for research on submergence tolerance of messina
Colmer, T. (Investigator 01)
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
National Schooling Reform and the Reshaping of Australian Federalism
Savage, G. (Investigator 01)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/17 → 25/01/19
Project: Research
Exploring the Scope for New Crop Suitability at Marvel Loch, Western Australia
Siddique, K. (Investigator 01), Johansen, C. (Investigator 02) & Colmer, T. (Investigator 03)
26/09/16 → 15/11/16
Project: Research
Incorporating salt-tolerant wheat and pulses into smallholder farming systems in southern Bangladesh
Erskine, W. (Investigator 01) & Colmer, T. (Investigator 02)
Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
1/07/16 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Phosphorus-efficient pastures that deliver high nitrogen- and water-use efficiency with reduced costs of production across southern Australia
Ryan, M. (Investigator 01), Erskine, W. (Investigator 02), Colmer, T. (Investigator 03) & Kaur, P. (Investigator 04)
1/07/16 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Samphire suvey on the Fortescue Marsh
Grierson, P. (Investigator 01), O'Donnell, A. (Investigator 02) & Colmer, T. (Investigator 03)
Rangelands Natural Resource Management (NRM) Western Australia
2/05/16 → 1/05/17
Project: Research
SymbioticA Agreement - Organisations Investment Program
Catts, O. (Investigator 01), Zurr, I. (Investigator 02), Cobilis, C. (Investigator 03), Ben-Ary, G. (Investigator 04) & Hodgetts, S. (Investigator 05)
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (Western Australia)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Improving Chickpea Adaptation to Environmental Challenges in Australia and India
Colmer, T. (Investigator 01)
Department of Industry Innovation Climate Change Science Research & Tertiary Education DIICCSRTE
1/01/16 → 30/06/19
Project: Research
Externally Led WUN - Provision of health service and community care for the elderly: intergenerational role and equity
Wong, E. (Investigator 01), Peri, K. (Investigator 02), Huseb, B. (Investigator 03), Thokala, P. (Investigator 04), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 05) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Investigator 06)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/16 → 30/06/17
Project: Research
Externally Led WUN - Migration, Development and Global Transformations (MDGT)
Singleton, A. (Investigator 01), Park, H.-J. (Investigator 02), Sicakkan, H. (Investigator 03), Khan, F. (Investigator 04), Witteborn, S. (Investigator 05), Alberti, G. (Investigator 06), de Groot, R. (Investigator 07), Geddes, A. (Investigator 08), Piper, N. (Investigator 09), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 10) & Lin, K. (Investigator 11)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Externally Led WUN - Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) of caregivers in institutions of elder care in Zhejiang Province
Dong, H. (Investigator 01), Cheung, G. (Investigator 02), Du Toit, S. (Investigator 03) & Baldassar, L. (Investigator 04)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture
Kaiser, B. (Investigator 01), Trethowan, R. (Investigator 02), Mathesius, U. (Investigator 03), Colmer, T. (Investigator 04), Day, D. (Investigator 05), Denton, M. (Investigator 06), Adams, M. (Investigator 07) & Barbour, M. (Investigator 08)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/16 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
Ageing and new media: A new analysis of older Australians' support networks
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01) & Wilding, R. (Investigator 02)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/16 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
Ecosystem Change Ecology
Colmer, T. (Investigator 01) & Kendrick, G. (Investigator 02)
1/07/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Externally led WUN - Global initiative promoting meaningful engagement of persons ageing in supported living environments
Du Toit, S. (Investigator 01), Buchanan, H. (Investigator 02), Collier, L. (Investigator 03), Woo, J. (Investigator 04), Peri, K. (Investigator 05), Cheung, G. (Investigator 06), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 07), Etherton-Beer, C. (Investigator 08), Webb, E. (Investigator 09) & Lovarini, M. (Investigator 10)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Community, Popular and Digital Media in Migrant Settlement, Integration and Resilience: Mobilities and Belonging
Cover, R. (Chief Investigator), Fozdar, F. (Investigator 02), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 03) & Elfving-Hwang, J. (Investigator 04)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/15 → 30/06/16
Project: Research
Externally Led WUN - Understanding Globalisation - Margins and Peripheries
Deumert, A. (Investigator 01), Horner, K. (Investigator 02), Cornips, L. (Investigator 03), Probyn, E. (Investigator 04), Baldassar, L. (Investigator 05), Lin, X. (Investigator 06), Han, H. (Investigator 07), Stroud, C. (Investigator 08), Duchene, A. (Investigator 09) & Lim, L. (Investigator 10)
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
1/01/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Mobilities and belonging: Sustaining families and communities in transnational settings.
Baldassar, L. (Investigator 01), Fozdar, F. (Investigator 02), Ji, M. (Investigator 03), Kilkey, M. (Investigator 04), Lunt, N. (Investigator 05), Merla, L. (Investigator 06), Edwards, D. (Investigator 07), Raffaetà, R. (Investigator 08), Hallilovic, H. (Investigator 09), Harris, A. (Investigator 10), Wilding, R. (Investigator 11) & Peters, N. (Investigator 12)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/14 → 31/12/14
Project: Research
Application of Soil Amendments to Maintain Turf Quality on Sandy Soils under Reduced Irrigation
Poot, P. (Investigator 01), Colmer, T. (Investigator 02) & Barton, L. (Investigator 03)
Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
1/07/13 → 30/07/17
Project: Research
Development of Salinty Tolerant Wheat and Barley
Barrett-Lennard, E. (Investigator 01), Colmer, T. (Investigator 02) & Stuart, R. (Investigator 03)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/07/13 → 30/06/16
Project: Research
Role of hypoxia in signalling plant dormancy and meristem fate
Considine, M. (Chief Investigator), Foyer, C. (Investigator 02) & Colmer, T. (Investigator 03)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/13 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Effects of SWRO Outflows on Australian Seagrass Species
Cambridge, M. (Investigator 01), Kendrick, G. (Investigator 02), Colmer, T. (Investigator 03), Lavery, P. (Investigator 04), Fernandez, J. (Investigator 05) & McMahon, K. (Investigator 06)
National Centre of Excellence in Desalination
19/04/12 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Grand Challenge - Genomic Approaches for Stress Tolerant Chickpea
Colmer, T. (Investigator 01), Siddique, K. (Investigator 02), Sutton, T. (Investigator 03), Langridge, P. (Investigator 04), Ford, R. (Investigator 05), Edwards, D. (Investigator 06), Mantri, N. (Investigator 07) & Sadras, V. (Investigator 08)
Department of Industry Innovation Climate Change Science Research & Tertiary Education DIICCSRTE
1/01/12 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Coping with Flooding - Nutrient Transport in Oxygen Deprived Roots
Colmer, T. (Investigator 01), Shabala, S. (Investigator 02) & Nakazono, M. (Investigator 03)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Research