Activities per year
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University of Bristol
Bartlett, A. (Visiting researcher)
Apr 2015 → Jun 2015Activity: External visits › Visiting an external academic institution
Westerly (Journal)
Noske, C. (Reviewer)
27 Mar 2015 → …Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
The Gothic Association of New Zealand and Australia (External organisation)
Prosser, A. (Member)
Jan 2015 → Mar 2022Activity: Memberships › Membership of committee
22nd Conference of the International Congress of Historical Sciences
Van Gent, J. (Convenor)
Aug 2015Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
A Mother (A)Rosa: Anaϊs Nin and Reconceiving Subjective Birth
Bartlett, A. (Examiner)
2015Activity: HDR students › Examination
Defiance and Invisibility: Representation of Women on Death Row by Media in Sub Saharan Africa
Bartlett, A. (Examiner)
2015Activity: HDR students › Examination
Journal of Religious History (Journal)
Van Gent, J. (Editor) & Young, S. (Editor)
Sept 2015Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Vital Signs and Surface Effects: On the Affordances of the New Materialisms For the Discipline and Practice of Creative Writing.
Bartlett, A. (Examiner)
2014Activity: HDR students › Examination
American Journal of Archaeology (Journal)
Boyer, D. (Reviewer)
2014Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Boyer, D. (Participant)
9 Jun 2014 → 13 Jun 2014Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
De Aquaeductu Atque Aqua Urbium Lyciae Pamphyliae Pisidiae
Boyer, D. (Participant)
2014Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Feminism in China Represented in Contemporary Chinese Women’s Fiction Writing
Bartlett, A. (Examiner)
2014Activity: HDR students › Examination
Thesis Editing Guidelines and Practices: expectations and experiences of postgraduate students at a south-east Queensland university
Bartlett, A. (Examiner)
2014Activity: HDR students › Examination
Journal of Jesuit Studies (Journal)
Haskell, Y. (Reviewer)
2014 → …Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Limina: A Journal of Historial and Cultural Studies (Journal)
Prosser, A. (Associate Editor)
Jan 2013 → Dec 2014Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Journal of Homosexuality (Journal)
Palekar, S. (Reviewer)
6 Oct 2013 → 18 Dec 2022Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
Brill (Publisher)
Haskell, Y. (Member of editorial board)
2013 → 2018Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Greg Dening Memorial Lecture
Konishi, S. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker), Nugent, M. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker) & Shellam, T. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
8 Aug 2013Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Tenth Biennial ASTENE Conference 12-15 July 2013 at Aston University, Birmingham
Boyer, D. (Participant)
2013Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
UWA Alumni Weekend Writer's Corner
Suchy, S. (Speaker)
9 Feb 2013Activity: Service and engagement › Public lecture, debate or seminar
Essary, K. (Reviewer)
2013 → 2014Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Medievalia et Humanistica: studies in medieval and renaissance culture (Journal)
Haskell, Y. (Member of editorial board)
2012Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies (Journal)
Palekar, S. (Reviewer)
8 Mar 2012Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
Words & Thoughts Seminar
Suchy, S. (Coordinator)
2012 → …Activity: Service and engagement › Public lecture, debate or seminar
Limina: A Journal of Historial and Cultural Studies (Journal)
Prosser, A. (Reviewer)
2012 → 2015Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies (Journal)
Wright, T. (Reviewer)
2011 → 2024Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Aboriginal History (Journal)
Konishi, S. (Editor)
2010 → 2014Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Studies in Australasian Cinema (Journal)
Konishi, S. (Guest editor) & Nugent, M. (Guest editor)
Dec 2010Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
PARERGON (Journal)
Haskell, Y. (Reviewer)
2010 → …Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Intellectual History Review (Journal)
Haskell, Y. (Reviewer)
2009 → …Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Into the West: Torres Strait Islander railway workers, migration, and belonging
Konishi, S. (Speaker)
28 Sept 2008Activity: Service and engagement › Blog/ Podcast
Borderlands E - Journal (Journal)
Konishi, S. (Editor), Lui-Chivizhe, L. (Editor) & Slater, L. (Reviewer)
2008Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Essays in French Literature (Journal)
Thomas, B. (Reviewer)
2007 → …Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
National Association for the Study of Australian Literature Conference
Dalziell, T. (Organiser) & Genoni, P. (Organiser)
2006Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Outskirts: Feminism Along the Edge (Journal)
Bartlett, A. (Editor in chief)
1 Jun 2005 → 1 Jan 2021Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Australian Feminist Studies (Journal)
Bartlett, A. (Member of editorial board)
1 Jan 2005 → 1 Jan 2015Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies (Journal)
Bartlett, A. (Member of editorial board)
1 Jan 2004 → 1 Sept 2020Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation (Journal)
Bartlett, A. (Member of editorial board)
1 Jan 2004 → 1 Jan 2020Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Leuven University Press (Publisher)
Haskell, Y. (Reviewer)
2002Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Dietitians Australia (External organisation)
Hunwick, H. (Director)
1990 → …Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association
Australian Institute of Geoscientists (External organisation)
Boyer, D. (Member)
1984 → 2023Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association
Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (External organisation)
Boyer, D. (Member)
1974 → 2023Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association