- 46 results
Search results
Paul Abbott
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct, Teaching
David Blair
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Emeritus Professor
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Senior Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
Jeremy Bourhill
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Evgeny Buchbinder
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Ron Burman
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
David Coward
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
- International Space Centre - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Martin Ebert
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Adjunct
Pascal Elahi
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Person: Adjunct
Tony Fitzgerald
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Officer
Person: Staff
Bruce Gendre
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct, Teaching
Howard Golden
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Maxim Goryachev
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Darren Grasso
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching
Eric Howell
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct
Eugene Ivanov
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Principal Research Fellow
Person: Research
Jay Jay Jegathesan
- Office of Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic - Senior Adviser (Academic Quality)
- Research Directorate - Research Grants Manager
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Honorary Fellow
Person: Staff, Honorary
Li Ju
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Jyoti Kaur
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Associate
Person: Research
John Kennewell
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Person: Adjunct
Mikhail Kostylev
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Sergei Kuzenko
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Lance Maschmedt
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Honorary Fellow
Person: Honorary
John McFerran
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Tom Ridsdill-Smith
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Professor
Person: Adjunct
Pejman Rowshan Farzad
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Sergey Samarin
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Teaching, Honorary
Tim St Pierre
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
Andrew Sunderland
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Michael Tobar
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Professor
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Frank Van Kann
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Emeritus Professor
Person: Honorary
Arie Verveer
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary
Alexey Veryaskin
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Professor
Person: Adjunct
Vince Wallace
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor, Head of Department
Person: Teaching & Research
Jingbo Wang
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Linqing Wen
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
James Williams
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Emeritus Professor
Person: Honorary
John Winterflood
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Research
David Wood
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct
Marjan Zadnik
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Chunnong Zhao
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Cindy Zhao
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Associate
Person: Research