- 1 - 50 out of 94 results
Search results
Saif Al Ghafri
- School of Engineering, Chemical Engineering - Senior Research Fellow
- International Space Centre - Doctor
Person: Research
Paul Bergey
- UWA Business School, Management and Organisations - Associate Professor
- UWA Oceans Institute
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Thomas Braunl
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Professor
- UWA Oceans Institute
- International Space Centre - Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Tom Briffa
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Romola Bucks
- School of Psychological Science - Professor
- Office of DVC Research - PVC Health and Medical Research
- The Raine Study - Director
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Charley Budgeon
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Jeffrey Cannon
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Research Fellow
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
Person: Adjunct, Teaching
Rachel Cardell-Oliver
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Head of Department, Professor
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Teaching & Research
Natalie Carmody
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Administrative Officer (Research)
- UWA Medical School, Internal Medicine - Administrative Officer
Person: Staff, Research
Robyn Choi
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Human Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Sarah Collins
- Conservatorium of Music - Professor
- UWA Tech & Policy Lab
- Office of DVC Research - Deputy Dean (HDR Supervision and Research Training), Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training)
Person: Teaching & Research
David Coward
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
- International Space Centre - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Francesco De Toni
- International Space Centre - Researcher
- School of Allied Health, Health Professions Education - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct, Honorary, Research
Richard Dodson
- International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - SKA Radio Astronomy Data Reduction Specialist
- International Space Centre - Team Leader
Person: Research
Simon Driver
- International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - Senior Principal Research Fellow, Laureate Fellow
- International Space Centre - Research Node Leader, Board Member
Person: Research
Arcady Dyskin
- School of Engineering, Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering - Winthrop Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Martin Ebert
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Adjunct
Lorenzo Faraone
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Professor
- Institute of Agriculture
- International Space Centre
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Marco Fiorentini
- School of Earth Sciences - Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Cristina Gamez Gamez
- UWA Medical School, Paediatrics - Adjunct Research Fellow
- Office of DVC Research - Project Officer
Person: Adjunct, Staff
Caren Han
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Contractor / Visitor, Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Person: Adjunct, Staff
Emma Haynes, Dr
- School of Population and Global Health - Research Fellow
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
Person: Research
Saranne Herrington
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- School of Population and Global Health - Research Assistant
Person: Staff
Siobhan Hickling, SFHEA
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC) - Co-Director
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Graham Hillis
- UWA Medical School, Internal Medicine - Clinical Professor
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
Person: Adjunct
Melinda Hodkiewicz
Person: Teaching & Research
Eun-Jung Holden
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Earth Sciences - Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct
Joe Hung
- UWA Medical School, Internal Medicine - Senior Honorary Research Fellow, Emeritus Professor
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
Person: Honorary
Mohammed Junaid
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- Dental School, Oral Health Centre of WA (OHCWA) - Senior Lecturer
- School of Population and Global Health - Contractor / Visitor
Person: Staff, Teaching, Teaching & Research
Ali Karrech
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Judith Katzenellenbogen
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- School of Population and Global Health - Principal Research Fellow
Person: Teaching, Research
Parwinder Kaur
- UWA School of Agriculture and Environment - Associate Professor
- UWA Oceans Institute
- Institute of Agriculture
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Myra Keep
- School of Earth Sciences - Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching, Research
Tony Kemp
- School of Earth Sciences - Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Nin Kirkham
- School of Humanities, Discipline of Philosophy - Associate Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Matthew Knuiman
- School of Population and Global Health - Emeritus Professor, Senior Honorary Research Fellow
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
Person: Honorary
Ingrid Laing
- UWA Medical School, Paediatrics - Principal Research Fellow
- WA Health Translation Network (WAHTN) - Consumer Advocate
Person: Staff, Research
Zhaoyu Li
- School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical Science and Genetics - Senior Lecturer
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Ryan Lister
- School of Molecular Sciences, ARC Centre for Plant Energy Biology - Professor
- International Space Centre - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Associate Professor Wei Liu
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Associate Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research