Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 182 results
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Australian Association of Gerontology Conference
Saunders, R. (Participant), Palamara, P. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Gallagher, O. (Participant), Gay, M. (Participant), Ngune, I. (Participant), Jenner, J. L. (Participant), Rashidi, A. (Participant), Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant) & Hughes, J. (Participant)
12 Nov 2024 → 15 Nov 2024Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
American Thoracic Society International Conference (Washington DC, US), Pleural Symposium (Pro Con Debates on Pleural Controversies: What pulmonologists need to know): Safety first: Primary spontaneous pneumothorax should be drained – the Cons
Lee, G. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Singapore Thoracic Society Annual General Meeting and Webinar, Singapore. [via internet] - What is new and practice changing in pleural diseases
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand 2023 Annual General Meeting
Lee, G. (Chair)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
UK Pleural Society Research Conference
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
International Mesothelioma Interest Group International Conference (Lille, France), Workshop: Focussing on Patients’ Experience: Improving Mesothelioma Patients and Relatives Management - Optimal management of pleural effusion and trapped lung?
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Building research on a shoestring: the Pleural Research Program experience
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Pulmonary Grand Round, New York University Grossman School of Med, New York, USA. Pleural diseases: What are new and practice changing
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Australian Association of Gerontology Conference
Gallagher, O. (Participant), Saunders, R. (Participant), Seaman, K. (Participant), Crookes, K. (Participant), Gullick, K. (Participant), Lane, H. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
14 Nov 2023 → 17 Nov 2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Mexican Congress of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Sabah Respiratory Updates 2023, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. (via internet) Updates in malignant pleural effusion
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia Conference 2023
Lightowler, D. (Participant)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Australian Lung Cancer Conference
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2023Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
The Inaugural Richard Light Memorial Symposium
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Australasian Conference On Care of Older People
Crookes, K. (Participant), Saunders, R. (Participant), Scaini, D. (Participant), Tecson, R. R. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Bulsara, C. (Participant), Ewens, B. (Participant), Gallagher, O. (Participant), Gullick, K. (Participant), Haydon, S. (Participant), Hughes, J. (Participant), Nosaka, K. (Participant), O'Connell, B. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
21 Oct 2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Australasian College of Health Service Management Asia-Pacific Health Leadership Congress
Crookes, K. (Participant), Saunders, R. (Participant), Scaini, D. (Participant), Tecson, R. R. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Bulsara, C. (Participant), Ewens, B. (Participant), Gallagher, O. (Participant), Gullick, K. (Participant), Haydon, S. (Participant), Hughes, J. (Participant), Nosaka, K. (Participant), O'Connell, B. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
21 Sept 2022 → 23 Sept 2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
22nd World Congress for Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology (Marseille, France)
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Malaysian Thoracic Society Annual Congress
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Australian Association of Gerontology Conference
Gallagher, O. (Participant), Crookes, K. (Participant), Saunders, R. (Participant), Scaini, D. (Participant), Tecson, R. R. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Bulsara, C. (Participant), Ewens, B. (Participant), Gullick, K. (Participant), Haydon, S. (Participant), Hughes, J. (Participant), Nosaka, K. (Participant), O'Connell, B. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
23 Nov 2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the CHEST Philippine Delegation
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
5th Annual Conference, American Association of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology, Nashville, USA. [via internet] - Symposium (Biomarkers & Circulating DNA in Pleural Effusions): Biomarkers in malignant pleural effusions
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
American Thoracic Society International Conference, USA [video], Symposium (The Richard Light Symposium on Pleural Diseases: State of the Art 2022): From Light’s rabbit model to state-of-the-art malignant pleural effusion care
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Grand Rounds in Thoracic Surgery, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK. Pleural infection (Live via internet)
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
European Respiratory Society Annual Scientific Conference (Barcelona, Spain), Symposium (Malignant Pleural Effusion Management: applying the evidence in 2022): Understanding the impact, treatment response and outcome of malignant pleural effusions
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
23rd International Meeting on Respiratory Care Indonesia
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2022Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
International Mesothelioma Interest Group International Conference, Australia. [live broadcast via internet] Plenary Session (Focus on patients): IPC – standard of care?
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Thoracic Society of Australia & NZL annual scientific meeting, Australia. [via internet] Interventional Pulmonology Symposium (Pleural Medicine – State of the Art): Practice changing trials on malignant pleural effusion
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Virtual Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research 2021
Saunders, R. (Participant), Crookes, K. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Ewens, B. (Participant), Gallagher, O. (Participant), Graham, R. (Participant), Hughes, J. (Participant), Scaini, D. (Participant), Seaman, K. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
29 Sept 2021 → 1 Oct 2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
10th International Congress on Innovations in Nursing
Saunders, R. (Participant), Crookes, K. (Participant), Ang, S. G. M. (Participant), Ewens, B. (Participant), Gallagher, O. (Participant), Graham, R. (Participant), Hughes, J. (Participant), Scaini, D. (Participant), Seaman, K. (Participant) & Etherton-Beer, C. (Participant)
2 Nov 2021 → 4 Nov 2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Science on The Swan conference, Perth, Australia. Creating win-win outcomes for research and clinical care
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
American Thoracic Society International Conference, USA. [via internet] Symposium (Role of Surgery for Pleural Diseases in 2021: What Pulmonologists Need to Know): Advances in non-surgical management of pleural infection
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
ACCP Network Featured Lecture, USA. [live broadcast via internet] Research in pleural diseases
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
MD Anderson Cancer Centre Internal Medicine Round. [live broadcast via internet] Pleural disease: Challenging conventional concepts
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
22nd International Meeting on Respiratory Care Indonesia (RESPINA), Indonesia. [via internet] Symposium (Pleural Disease): Pathophysiology and treatment of pleural disease
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2021Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
3rd International Respiratory Conference, Hong Kong University-SZ Hospital, China. Malignant pleural effusion: Update [live broadcast via internet]
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2020Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Liver Foundation West Coast Liver Meeting, Perth, Australia. Plumbing for pleural and peritoneal effusions
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2020Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Malaysian Thoracic Society annual conference, Malaysia. [live broadcast via internet] Session (Pleural Disease)
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2020Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
World Association of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology, Shanghai, China. Intrapleural therapy to inhibit pleural effusion formation [via internet]
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2020Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
1st Congress of International Society for the Study of Pleura & Peritoneum, Singapore.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Hong Kong Thoracic Society Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2019
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
21st International Meeting on Respiratory Care Indonesia (RESPINA), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
World Conference for Lung Cancer (19th), Barcelona, Spain.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Asian Pacific Congress on Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology, Gold Coast, Australia. Case Discussion: Mesothelioma
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
American Thoracic Society International Conference, Dallas, TX, USA. Symposium (State-of-the-Art Pleural Disease Management
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
REALM (Revolution in Advanced Lung Management) Meeting, Sydney, Australia.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
Asian Pacific Congress on Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
Lee, G. (Chair)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
British Thoracic Society annual conference, London, UK. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
St Luke’s Medical Centre 3nd International Lung Symposium, Manila, the Philippines.
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference
National Centre for Asbestos Related Diseases Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia. Overview of clinical studies on malignant and benign pleural diseases
Lee, G. (Keynote speaker/Invited speaker)
2019Activity: Conferences and workshops › Contribution or participation in a conference