Projects per year
- 250 - 300 out of 354 results
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P Dynamics in the Peel Harvey
Ryan, M. (Investigator 01), Tibbett, M. (Investigator 02), Barrett-Lennard, E. (Investigator 03) & Ocampo, C. (Investigator 04)
1/01/11 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Use of Rammed Earth in Aboriginal Communities of Australia
Ciancio, D. (Chief Investigator), Fourie, A. (Chief Investigator), Dobson, S. (Chief Investigator) & Augarde, C. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/11 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Use of Rammed Earth in Aboriginal Communities of Australia
Ciancio, D. (Investigator 01), Fourie, A. (Investigator 02), Augarde, C. (Investigator 03) & Dobson, S. (Investigator 04)
ARC Australian Research Council , Ramtec Pty Ltd, Scott Smalley Partnership Pty Ltd, Department of Communities (Western Australia)
1/01/11 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Perforated Shallow Foundations Subject to Combined Loading
Lehane, B. (Investigator 01), Tapper, L. (Investigator 02) & Byrne, B. (Investigator 03)
1/01/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Physical Model Testing of Erosion around an Embedded Pipeline
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01)
1/01/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Physical model testing NRA Trunkline additional tests - O-Tube project
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01) & White, D. (Investigator 02)
1/01/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Suction Caisson Extraction Failure Mode Study - P09118
Lehane, B. (Investigator 01)
1/01/11 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Behaviour of Cementing Backfill in Full Scale Mining Stopes
Fourie, A. (Chief Investigator), Fahey, M. (Chief Investigator) & Doherty, J. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/07/10 → 30/06/13
Project: Research
Behaviour of Cementing Backfill in Full Scale Mining Stopes
Fourie, A. (Chief Investigator), Fahey, M. (Chief Investigator) & Doherty, J. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/07/10 → 30/06/13
Project: Research
Behaviour of Cementing Backfill in Full Scale Mining Stopes
Fourie, A. (Chief Investigator), Doherty, J. (Chief Investigator) & APAI, N. N. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/07/10 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Anticipating Closure of Bauxite Refineries in Western Australia - The Water Quality Implications of a Proposed New Design in Residue Storage Areas
APAI, N. N. (Investigator 01), Fey, M. (Investigator 02), Hinz, C. (Investigator 03), Fourie, A. (Investigator 04), Bell, R. (Investigator 05) & Phillips, I. (Investigator 06)
Alcoa World Alumina Australia, ARC Australian Research Council , Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd
30/06/10 → 29/06/14
Project: Research
CLP Meteorological Mast Instrumentation System for Suction Caissons
Lehane, B. (Investigator 01)
1/01/10 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Design of Offshore Foundations with Large Penetration into Multilayered Soils
Hu, Y. (Investigator 01), Cassidy, M. (Investigator 02) & White, D. (Investigator 03)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Physical Model Testing of Scour Around Gorgon Anti Burial Mattress
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01) & White, D. (Investigator 02)
1/01/10 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
2010 - Fabrication of Centrifuge Scale Pressuremeter
Lehane, B. (Investigator 01) & Doherty, J. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Soil Investigation BRDA Sands
Fourie, A. (Investigator 01) & Bhattarai, B. (Investigator 02)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
The Evolution of Effective Stress in Sedimenting Clayey Slurries
Fourie, A. (Investigator 01) & Leong, Y.-K. (Investigator 02)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Multiscale Dynamics of Ore Body Formation
APAI, N. N. (Investigator 01), McCuaig, C. (Investigator 02), Gessner, K. (Investigator 03), APAI, U. (Investigator 04), Hobbs, B. (Investigator 05), Cawood, P. (Investigator 06), Ord, A. (Investigator 07), Gorczyk, W. (Investigator 08), Gerya, T. (Investigator 09), Liu, J. (Investigator 10) & Lester, D. (Investigator 11)
ARC Australian Research Council , CSIRO, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Geocrust Pty Ltd, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Golden Phoenix International Pty Ltd, Mineral Mapping Pty Ltd, Department of Primary Industries and Regions (South Australia), Silver Swan Group Ltd, Vearncombe & Associates Pty Ltd, Western Mining Services Australia Pty Ltd
1/01/10 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Impact of Stress & Deformation on Rock Mass Permeability Through Literature Review & Laboratory Experiments
Dyskin, A. (Investigator 01)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
2010 - Building a Digital Signal Processing Platform for High-Speed Underwater Acoustic Communications
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01), Huang, D. (Investigator 02) & Pan, J. (Investigator 03)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
2010 - Impact of Contemporary Geochemical Processes in the Vadose Zone and in the Hyporheic Zone on Acidification in the Dalyup Catchment
Oldham, C. (Investigator 01) & Biermann, V. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Maximize Research Impact Trough a Focused Study on CO2-Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
Liu, J. (Chief Investigator) & Wang, J.-G. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
1/06/09 → 31/05/11
Project: Research
On Bottom Stability of Large Diameter Submarine Pipelines
Cheng, L. (Chief Investigator), White, D. (Chief Investigator) & Randolph, M. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Application of High Resolution Laser Optical Plankkton Counting Technology for the Study of Spatial & Temporal Distribuiton of Zooplankton in the Swan Canning System
Ghadouani, A. (Investigator 01)
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Energy Dissipation and Vibration Assisted Self Healing in Structures with Topological Interlocking
Dyskin, A. (Investigator 01), Pasternak, E. (Investigator 02) & Pelinovsky, E. (Investigator 03)
ARC Australian Research Council
31/12/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Sludge Profiling Project R&D - Part 1
Ghadouani, A. (Investigator 01)
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Western Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence
Regenauer-Lieb, K. (Investigator 01), Horowitz, F. (Investigator 02), Chua, H. T. (Investigator 03), Reddy, S. (Investigator 04), Wang, X. (Investigator 05), Dyskin, A. (Investigator 06) & Cawood, P. (Investigator 07)
31/12/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Supercritical CO2-CH4 Displacement in Tight Gas Reservoirs
May, E. (Investigator 01), Clennell, M. (Investigator 02), Graham, B. (Investigator 03), Liu, K. (Investigator 04), Trengove, R. (Investigator 05) & Liu, J. (Investigator 06)
Shell Development Australia Pty Ltd
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
On Bottom Stability of Large Diameter Submarine Pipelines
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01), White, D. (Investigator 02) & Randolph, M. (Investigator 03)
ARC Australian Research Council , Western Australian Energy Research Alliance
31/12/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Scour and Scour Protection Around Gravity Anchors
Cheng, L. (Investigator 01) & Zhao, M. (Investigator 02)
ARC Australian Research Council
31/12/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Mussels as Bioindicators for Spatial and Temporal Variability of Human Impact on the Swan River System Western Australia
Reichwaldt, E. (Investigator 01) & Ghadouani, A. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
DP0878897 - Ageing of Pile Shaft Friction in Sand
Lehane, B. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/08 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Control of Vortex Shedding form a Circular Cylinder using Helical Strakes
Zhou, T. (Chief Investigator)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/08 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Multiscale Fracture Research
Dyskin, A. (Investigator 01)
Extension Hill Pty Ltd /Mt Gibson Iron Limited
31/12/07 → 30/12/08
Project: Research
Contract Research - Various Projects
Lehane, B. (Investigator 01)
31/12/07 → 30/12/08
Project: Research
Perform Tests for FRP and Steel Gas Pipelines under Internal Pressure
Kavanagh, K. (Chief Investigator)
Australian Pipeline Industry Association Ltd (APIA)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Assessment of Scour Potential for Tangguh Project
Cheng, L. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
DP0774061 - Blast Damage and Fragmentation Prediction for Occupants and Structure Protection
Hao, H. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Effects of Jetting During Installation of Pressed In Piles
Lehane, B. (Chief Investigator)
International Press In Association IPA UK
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Assessment of Scour Potential for Turkmenistan Block 1 Gas Development Project
Cheng, L. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Pluto Sand Wave Mobility Study
Cheng, L. (Chief Investigator) & Zhao, M. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Deep Water Foundation Systems - Benthic Geotech
Randolph, M. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Seismic Response of Partially Saturated Petroleum Reservoir Zones - Towards Quantitative Recovery Monitoring
Dyskin, A. (Chief Investigator), Gurevich, B. (Chief Investigator), Mueller, T. (Chief Investigator) & Paterson, L. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Permeability Measurements From Routine On-the-fly CPT Sounding
Randolph, M. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/06 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management - Integrated Health Monitoring System for Civil Infrastructure in Operational Environments
Hao, H. (Chief Investigator), Zhu, X. (Chief Investigator), Deeks, A. (Chief Investigator), Liu, W. (Chief Investigator), Cheng, L. (Chief Investigator), Stewart, M. (Chief Investigator), Totoev, Y. (Chief Investigator), Melchers, R. (Chief Investigator), Thambiratnam, D. (Chief Investigator), Mahendran, M. (Chief Investigator) & Tan, A. H. (Chief Investigator)
CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management
1/01/06 → 31/12/08
Project: Research