- 500 - 550 out of 806 results
Search results
Harvey Millar
- School of Molecular Sciences, ARC Centre for Plant Energy Biology - Professor, Laureate Fellow
- International Space Centre - Research Node Leader, Board Member
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Kate Miller
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Research Fellow
- Population Health Research Network - Coordinator, Science and Partnerships
Person: Adjunct, Staff
Katie Mills
- Library Engagement and Experience - Library Manager (Research and Academic Engagement)
Person: Staff
Ian Milne
- Oceans Graduate School - Senior Research Fellow
- UWA Oceans Institute
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
Person: Teaching, Research
Jill Milroy
- School of Indigenous Studies - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education) and Head of School (Indigenous Education)
Person: Teaching & Research
Jon Mitchell
- School of Biological Sciences - Adjunct Research Fellow, Research Officer
- UWA Oceans Institute
Person: Adjunct, Staff
Nicki Mitchell
- UWA Oceans Institute - Deputy Director
- School of Biological Sciences - Professor
Person: Staff, Teaching & Research, Research
William Morgan
- International Space Centre - Research Node Leader, Board Member
- UWA Medical School, Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science (affiliated with the Lions Eye Institute) - Principal Research Fellow
Person: Teaching & Research
Patrick Morrison
- School of Social Sciences
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- UWA Oceans Institute
Person: Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching
Marion Mundt
- UWA Law School - Contractor / Visitor, Adjunct Research Fellow
- UWA Tech & Policy Lab
Person: Adjunct, Staff
Kevin Murray
- School of Population and Global Health,
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
- School of Population and Global Health - Head of Division
Person: Teaching & Research
Gareth Nealon
- Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis - Senior Research Officer
Person: Research
Lee Nedkoff
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC) - Co-Director
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Research
Jodi Neindorf
- Library Research and Collections - Associate University Librarian (Research & Collections)
- Library Engagement and Experience - Library Manager (Student Experience & Learning)
Person: Staff
Minh Nguyen
- Training and Learning Facilities - Technical Officer
- UWA Medical School, Institute for Paediatric Perioperative Excellence
Person: Staff
Scott Nicholls
- Library Research and Collections - Associate University Librarian (Research & Collections)
- University Library - University Librarian
Person: Staff
Yakup Niyazi
- School of Biological Sciences - Research Fellow
- UWA Oceans Institute
- School of Humanities - Editorial Assistant
Person: Staff, Research
Paul Norman
- UWA Medical School, Surgery - Emeritus Professor
- Office of Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic - Honorary Appointment
Person: Honorary
Lies Notebaert
- School of Psychological Science - Associate Professor
- International Space Centre
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Edi Nuryatno
Person: Staff, Research