Nikon A1R FLIM

    Facility/equipment: Equipment

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      CMCA@Perkins, (M519), Level 3, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, 6 Verdun St, Perth WA 6009


    Equipments Details


    This inverted confocal has Picoquant module attached to enable Fluorescent Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) imaging. FLIM is a technique which investigates the exponential decay rate, or lifetime, of a fluorophore, which is sensitive to changes in the local environment. FLIM is also used to interrogate FRET pairs, providing a stronger correlation than analysis by confocal means. FCS enables the investigation of single molecule diffusion dymanics within a femtolitre volume.

    This system comprises of four solid state lasers with two photomultiplier fluorescence detectors and two Galllium Arsenide Phosphatide (GaAsP) detectors for confocal imaging, as well as three picosecond pulsed lasers (405nm, 485nm and 640nm), with two PMA hybrid detectors. Furthermore, there are both galvanometer and resonant scanners on this platform to facilitate various imaging speed requirements. FLIM and FCS images are acquired using PicoQuant Symphotime.

    Live cell imaging can also be accommodated on this platform via the use of an Oko Labs stage top incubation system, and Perfect Focus System (PFS).

    Research technique

    • Confocal microscopy
    • Fluorescent Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)
    • Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
    • Multipoint imaging


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