NanoSIMS 50

    Facility/equipment: Equipment

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      CMCA@Physics, Physics Building, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009


    Equipments Details


    The CAMECA NanoSIMS 50 is a new generation ion-microprobe which combines high-lateral and spectral resolution together with high sensitivity.

    The coaxial lens design allows the primary beam to be focused to sub-50 nm for Cs+ primary ions and sub-150 nm for O- primary ions. The NanoSIMS 50 uses a rastered ion beam to scan across the sample surface. Secondary ions are sputtered from the sample and extracted to a double-focusing magnetic-sector mass spectrometer. Multiple detectors allow the parallel mapping of up to five ion species, simultaneously.

    The high-resolution ion-imaging capability is a powerful and unique feature of the NanoSIMS 50, and is highly suitable for elemental or isotopic mapping at the sub-µm scale. This is a particularly powerful technique for mapping the distribution of isotopic tracers (for example. 15N or 13C in biological experiments). Isotopic ratios can be determined with a precision of one per cent in favourable cases.

    To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2018). NanoSIMS 50. University of Western Australia.

    Research technique

    • Trace element mapping at sub-µm scale
    • Depth profiling
    • 3D volumetric imaging
    • In situ isotope measurements at µm scale


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