Equipments Details
This is a high-vacuum only, field-emission gun electron probe microanalyser (EPMA).
It has high-resolution TV-rate secondary electron (SE) imaging capabilities, while high-resolution backscattered electron imaging (BSE COMP and TOPO) are available at slower scan rates.
The microprobe is equipped with five wavelength-dispersive (WD) crystal spectrometers, one JEOL silicon-drift energy-dispersive spectrometer (SDD), and an optical microscope for focusing. It has a PCD for measuring beam current. LDE1, LDE2 and TAP(2) crystals are available for light-element (low-energy) analysis, while PET(4) and LIF(4) crystals, in conjunction with the TAP crystals, cover the heavier elements (O-U). An xCLent hyperspectral cathodoluminescence system has also been fitted to the instrument.
The microprobe is capable of fully standardised, quantitative major, minor and trace element (10 ppm) analysis of flat polished samples. It is also capable of generating element distribution maps and line profiles, as well as hyperspectral cathodoluminescence maps.
This instrument is best suited to analysis of coated samples that are stable under the electron beam, such as rocks, ceramics, metals and alloys. The high brightness source means that X-rays can be generated at lower accelerating voltages, so more delicate samples, such as some biological materials and polymers, can also be analysed.
To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2018). JEOL 8530F microprobe. University of Western Australia.
It has high-resolution TV-rate secondary electron (SE) imaging capabilities, while high-resolution backscattered electron imaging (BSE COMP and TOPO) are available at slower scan rates.
The microprobe is equipped with five wavelength-dispersive (WD) crystal spectrometers, one JEOL silicon-drift energy-dispersive spectrometer (SDD), and an optical microscope for focusing. It has a PCD for measuring beam current. LDE1, LDE2 and TAP(2) crystals are available for light-element (low-energy) analysis, while PET(4) and LIF(4) crystals, in conjunction with the TAP crystals, cover the heavier elements (O-U). An xCLent hyperspectral cathodoluminescence system has also been fitted to the instrument.
The microprobe is capable of fully standardised, quantitative major, minor and trace element (10 ppm) analysis of flat polished samples. It is also capable of generating element distribution maps and line profiles, as well as hyperspectral cathodoluminescence maps.
This instrument is best suited to analysis of coated samples that are stable under the electron beam, such as rocks, ceramics, metals and alloys. The high brightness source means that X-rays can be generated at lower accelerating voltages, so more delicate samples, such as some biological materials and polymers, can also be analysed.
To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2018). JEOL 8530F microprobe. University of Western Australia.
Research technique
- Backscattered Electron (BSE) imaging
- Secondary electron (SE) imaging
- Hyperspectral cathodoluminescence maping
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