Equipments Details
The Cypher VRS AFM is the first and only full-featured video-rate AFM. It allows researchers to obtain high-resolution images and measure dynamic processes in air and in situ down to the nanometer range at video frame rates.
Measurements can be performed in air and in situ at video frame rates up to 625 lines per second, allowing the investigation of the topography of a large variety of samples, ranging from hard samples (crystals, metals, etc.) to soft samples (polymers, gels, bacteria, etc.). Apart from imaging, the interaction force between a sample and a probe can be monitored with AFM force spectroscopy measurements.
To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2024). Cypher VRS AFM. University of Western Australia.
Measurements can be performed in air and in situ at video frame rates up to 625 lines per second, allowing the investigation of the topography of a large variety of samples, ranging from hard samples (crystals, metals, etc.) to soft samples (polymers, gels, bacteria, etc.). Apart from imaging, the interaction force between a sample and a probe can be monitored with AFM force spectroscopy measurements.
To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2024). Cypher VRS AFM. University of Western Australia.

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