CRi Maestro 2

    Facility/equipment: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      CMCA@Perkins, (M519), Level 3, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, 6 Verdun St, Perth WA 6009


    Equipments Details


    The CRi Maestro 2 is a high-performance multispectral imaging system designed for fluorescence macro-imaging of small animals such as a mice or rats.

    The system is equipped with unique multispectral tunable optics and inbuilt multispectral imaging software algorithms which enables users to rapidly image and quantify more than one fluorescent signal within a mouse or rat in real time.

    The system can be used for multiplexing and spectral unmixing enabling imaging of multiple fluorescent signals simultaneously together with the removal of any autofluorescence from an image.

    Research technique

    • In vivo multi spectral fluorescence imaging
    • Autofluorescence correction


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