Caliper IVIS Lumina II

    Facility/equipment: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      CMCA@Perkins, (M519), Level 3, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, 6 Verdun St, Perth WA 6009


    Equipments Details


    The Caliper IVIS Lumina II enables real-time, non-invasive visualisation and tracking of fluorescent or bioluminescent cells, proteins or gene activity within a living animal. It can also be used to visualise dishes, plates and tissue samples.

    The system integrates a highly sensitive charge-coupled device (CCD) cooled camera capable of detecting exceptionally low light levels, with a light-tight imaging chamber and includes a broad range of filter sets that permits imaging of a wide range of fluorophores.

    To cite this equipment/component: Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis. (2018). Caliper IVIS Lumina II. University of Western Australia.

    Research technique

    • In vivo multi spectral fluorescence imaging
    • In vivo bioluminescence imaging
    • Autofluorescence correction


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