WAMSI Node 3.2.2b - Diversity, abundance and distribution of intertidal invertebrate species in the Ningaloo Marine Park - Quadrats, Australia (2010)



A quantitative pilot study of the composition of the benthic community of macro-invertebrates on intertidal rocky platforms was undertaken at Ningaloo, Western Australia from 2007 to 2010. This dataset is of the quadrat data from 20 sites. Data and metadata from https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/wamsi-node-3-2-2b-diversity-abundance-and-distribution-of-intertidal-invertebrate-species-i_c65f
Date made available30 Jun 2023
PublisherCSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC)
Geographical coverageNingaloo shores, Western Australia
Geospatial polygon-23.87, 114.16, -21.78, 113.49

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