VOC Collections, Exhibitions and Projects



Datasets of collections, projects and exhibitions of material related to the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie - VOC), with a particular focus on shipwreck material collections. 'VOC Collections' includes descriptive summaries and collection categorisation of relevant material, identification of represented VOC shipwrecks, and links to websites and collection interfaces (URLs) of collections and institutions that hold material related to the VOC. 'VOC Projects' includes descriptive summary and categorisation of the resource, responsible organisation, data sources, and links to websites and data access of platforms, interfaces, projects or resources that relate to or are about the VOC. 'VOC Exhibitions' includes the names, dates, organising and exhibiting institutions, locations, and references for exhibitions relating to the VOC. Content is semi-colon (;) delimited where more than one value is entered. This data was gathered in the course of producing the 'VOC Collections: Scoping Report' for the Mobilising Dutch East India Collections for New Global Stories (MOB-VOC) project (ARC LP210300960). The report should be consulted for further detail and references.
Date made available19 Dec 2024

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