The selection of the stars of the Tycho program is mainly based on theTycho input catalogue (TIC), prepared by Egret et al. (1992) fromexisting ground-based catalogues. The TIC is far to be the definitivelist of the stars that will appear in the final Tycho catalogue however.The number of stars included within (3 million) is several times largerthan the number eventually expected. The selection of the TIC stars thatwill remain in the final catalogue is planned in two steps : The formeris the "Recognition" that is based on the first year of the scientificmission. The latter step of selection is the final reduction of theTycho data, which will require a few more years. The recognition wascompleted in 1992, and, among the 3,154,204 stars of the TIC, about twothird were not found in the observations. This catalogue presents the1,049,971 stars that are still in the programme. The selection is nordefinitive, nor complete; but it should contain only a small percentageof stars that will still be discarded. On another side, some starsmissing in the TIC have been added to the Tycho program, but theexpected number of additional stars to appear in the final catalogueshould be about 5 % or less. The list was announced in Halbwachs et al(1994). It is completed with data (coordinates and magnitudes) from themain file of the Tycho Input Catalogue. The cross-identifications withthe Hipparcos Input Catalogue or with the INCA database included incatalogue I/197/ are not repeated here. (1 data file).