The effects of dexamphetamine on the resting state electroencephalogram and functional connectivity



This upload comprises supplementary material and data for the paper "The effects of dexamphetamine on the resting state electroencephalogram and functional connectivity" Albrecht et al. (2015), Human Brain Mapping DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23052

1) The cleaned and group ICA resting state data in EEGLAB format.

2) Basic demographics for the participants. Drug order 1 = placebo first, then dexamphetamine second. Drug order 2 = dexamphetamine first, then placebo second. Gender 1 = Female, Gender 2 = Male.

3) Bayesian hierarchical modelling functions for R and Stan (through rstan). See paper for more details.
Date made available6 Nov 2015

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