Sturt Creek tracer test data, March 16 2017

  • Jim McCallum (Creator)
  • Anja Hoehne (Technical University of Berlin) (Creator)
  • Jonas Schaper (Technical University of Berlin) (Creator)
  • Margaret Shanafield (Creator)
  • Edward Banks (Creator)
  • Malte Posselt (Creator)
  • Okke Batelaan (Creator)
  • Jörg Lewandowski (Creator)



This data set contains specific conductance breakthrough curves and measured concentrations of guanylurea, carbamazepine, valsartan and diclofenac. The data was collected during a tracer test conducted in the Sturt Creek near Heathfield, SA, Australia.

Fieldwork and laboratory analysis was conducted within the Research Training Group Urban Water Interfaces (UWI) (Project N6 \Retention of chemical compounds in hyporheic reactors of urban freshwater systems", GRK 2032/1), which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). This project has also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 641939 (HypoTRAIN) and No. 734317 (HiFreq). Additional funding through the Australia - Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme of Universities Australia and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, grant no. 57216806) provided support for fieldwork collaboration between the research institutes.
Date made available10 Feb 2019
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Date of data production16 Mar 2017
Geospatial point-35.02,138.71Show on map


  • Stream transport
  • Tracer test
  • Trace Organic Compounds
  • Surface water - groundwater interaction

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