Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2010_T01 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive

  • CSIRO (Creator)
  • Marine National Facility (Creator)
  • Tom Trull (Creator)
  • Anya Waite (Creator)
  • Xiubin Qi (Creator)
  • Rudy Kloser (Creator)



This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2010_T01, titled "Leeuwin Current – Australian National Network in Marine Science Student Training Voyage." The voyage took place from Hobart to Broome (via Fremantle) between March 29 and April 13, 2010 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2010_T01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via [email protected].
Date made available2018
PublisherCSIRO Publishing

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