This SERVS lightcone of model galaxies has been constructed using the Lagos12 Galform model using the techniques described in Merson et al. 2013. The lightcone covers the redshift range z = 0.0 to z = 6.0 and has a sky coverage of 18.09 deg 2 , centred on a sky position of (RA,DEC) = (93.5◦, 7.5◦ ).
The SERVS lightcone contains 1518854 model galaxies with apparent, dust attenuated magnitudes in the Spizter 3.6 microns bands down to 2micro Jy (AB=23.1).
The lightcone was constructed on the Millennium dark matter only N-body simulation.
For each model galaxy, model multi-wavelength coverage is provided together with a range of global properties. Further details are provided in the SERVS.Lagos12.DB.Mill1.lightcone.readme.pdf document, within this dataset.
The SERVS lightcone contains 1518854 model galaxies with apparent, dust attenuated magnitudes in the Spizter 3.6 microns bands down to 2micro Jy (AB=23.1).
The lightcone was constructed on the Millennium dark matter only N-body simulation.
For each model galaxy, model multi-wavelength coverage is provided together with a range of global properties. Further details are provided in the SERVS.Lagos12.DB.Mill1.lightcone.readme.pdf document, within this dataset.
Date made available | 2019 |
Publisher | Zenodo |