Elemental (including Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sc, Si, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, Zr) concentrations, pH, electrical conductivity, microplastics, Longitude-Latitude and UTM Zone 50 coordinates, sample material type, sampling strata, and sample identification codes for 231 samples of sediment or soil collected in 2019, 2020, and 2021 from Ashfield Flats Reserve, an urban nature reserve in Western Australia.
Ashfield Flats Reserve (approx. 40 ha) is listed as a Western Australian Bush Forever Site (No. 214) and fringes the Swan-Canning Estuary. It is also listed in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia and contained a threatened ecological community of temperate saltmarsh plant species. It is the largest remaining salt marsh in the Swan-Canning Estuary, but is impacted by altered hydrology, several stormwater drains, and poor water quality from historical groundwater contamination.
Sampling and analysis was conducted to assess the severity and extent of contamination of sediments and soils with trace elements, nutrients, and microplastics. In particular it was of interest whether stormwater drains which cross the reserve were contributing contaminants to adjacent wetlands.
Ashfield Flats Reserve (approx. 40 ha) is listed as a Western Australian Bush Forever Site (No. 214) and fringes the Swan-Canning Estuary. It is also listed in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia and contained a threatened ecological community of temperate saltmarsh plant species. It is the largest remaining salt marsh in the Swan-Canning Estuary, but is impacted by altered hydrology, several stormwater drains, and poor water quality from historical groundwater contamination.
Sampling and analysis was conducted to assess the severity and extent of contamination of sediments and soils with trace elements, nutrients, and microplastics. In particular it was of interest whether stormwater drains which cross the reserve were contributing contaminants to adjacent wetlands.
Date made available | 27 Jan 2022 |
Publisher | Mendeley Data |
Temporal coverage | Mar 2019 - Mar 2021 |
Geographical coverage | Ashfield Flats Reserve |
Geospatial polygon | 115.94128 -31.91641, 115.94837 -31.91641, 115.94837 -31.92014, 115.94128 -31.92014 |
- wetlands
- sediment
- water quality
- contaminants
- pollution
- trace elements
- nutrients
- soil
Supplementary information for sediment, soil, and surface water data at Ashfield Flats Reserve, Western Australia
Rate, A. (Creator) & McGrath, G. (Contributor), Mendeley Data, 10 Feb 2022
DOI: 10.17632/sz7rwg5p4n.1,