Rowley Shoals 2019 Experiment



Gridded mooring observations of temperature and velocity. Point measurement of turbulent velocity and temperature (raw data). Temperature and ADCP data are stored as groups in each netcdf.

Temperature group keys: 'T330', 'T200', and 'T150' for the 330m, 200m, and 150m moorings, respectively.

ADCP group keys: 'T330_RDI_75kHz_LR_16870', 'T200_RDI_75kHz_LR_24613' and 'T150_RDI_150kHz_QM_11795' for the 330m, 200m, and 150m moorings, respectively.
Date made available1 Jan 2023
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Temporal coverage7 Mar 2019 - 5 Apr 2019
Geospatial point-18,119.2Show on map

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