Research data supporting "Modelling of paste ram extrusion subject to liquid phase migration and wall friction"

  • Milan Patel (Creator)
  • Stuart Blackburn (Creator)
  • D. Ian Wilson (Creator)



Output from computational simulations of paste flow through concentric dies. The computations were performed using ABAQUS.

The output is in the form of Microsoft Excel files for simple plots. The dimensionless nodal velocity (Vn) contours in Figure 6 have been reprocessed into Vn values at each node point. The node number vs. Vn value is in one text file and the node number vs. (x,y) coordinates in another text file. The individual panels for Figure 7 are saved as high resolution EMF files which can be used for data extraction.
Date made available18 Jul 2017
PublisherUniversity of Cambridge


  • Adaptive remeshing
  • Liquid phase migration
  • Modified Cam Clay
  • Paste extrusion
  • Plasticity
  • Tresca friction

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