Pelagic baited camera (stereo-BRUVs) survey of the Bremer Marine Park and adjacent areas (NESP Emerging Priorities Project EP2)



This dataset relates to deployments of pelagic stereo-BRUVS conducted by the University of Western Australia within and to the west of the Bremer Marine Park in February/March 2017. The survey was undertaken to provide a baseline assessment of the pelagic assemblages occurring in the region as part of the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Emerging Priorities Project #EP2 ( arine-life-canyons-bremer-bay). A total of 791 individuals from 13 taxa were identified. Field methods followed Bouchet et al. 2015 ( 1/full). A series of pelagic stereo-BRUV deployments (n=100, i.e. 20 sets of 5 rigs) were undertaken within and outside the Bremer AMP between 27th February and 8th March 2017. Camera units soaked for two hours and were set up in a longline configuration that allowed them to drift freely with prevailing currents. The resulting video footage was processed at the University of Western Australia Marine Futures Lab (, using standard imagery analysis software (SeaGIS EventMeasure, Metadata and data from
Date made available2022
PublisherCSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC)
Geographical coverageBremer Canyon, Western Australia
Geospatial polygon-34.9, 120.0, -34.58, 119.3

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