Microsatellite genotypes for the temperate seagrass (ribbon weed), Posidonia australis, for 44 meadows sampled across Australia



Ribbon weed (Posidonia australis Hook.f.), a widespread temperate seagrass, was sampled from across its distribution. This includes ~5000 km of the west, south and east Australian coastlines. The data set contains multilocus genotypes for 1312 individual samples from 44 locations. The metadata file contains: Pop number (1 – 44), Sample site, Latitude (S), Longitude (E), Biogeographic province (Flindersian, Maugean, Peronian), IMCRA bioregions (29 – 38), individual sample code, genotypes (2 columns per locus). The nine microsatellite loci are: PaA1, PaA105, PaA120, PaB6, PaB8, PaB112, PaD12, PaD113, Pa118/9. Most genotypes are diploid, however, 3N genotypes are included. missing data = ‘0’.
Date made availableDec 2022
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Geographical coverageAll temperate waters of Australia, from Shark Bay on the west coast to Wallis Lake on the east coast.


  • Posidonia australis
  • population genetics
  • IMCRA bioregions
  • marine biogeography
  • microsatellite DNA

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