Medieval manuscripts and their migrations: Using SPARQL to investigate the research potential of an aggregated Knowledge Graph

  • Toby Burrows (Creator)
  • Laura Cleaver (Creator)
  • Doug Emery (Creator)
  • Eero Hyvönen (Creator)
  • Mikko Koho (Creator)
  • Lynn Ransom (Creator)
  • Emma Thomson (Creator)
  • Hanno Wijsman (Creator)



This dataset contains the SPARQL queries presented and discussed in our article published in Digital Medievalist 2022 (as a PDF file), together with the results of those queries as CSV files. The query and step numbering follows that given in the article.

The queries can be run against the SPARQL endpoint for the Mapping Manuscript Migrations project:

The full Mapping Manuscript Migrations dataset can also be downloaded from the Zenodo repository and installed in your own triple store:

When copying and pasting these SPARQL queries into a SPARQL client like YASGUI, please check that the line numbering has been copied over correctly. Copying from a PDF file can sometimes break a single long line into multiple separate lines, which will cause a SPARQL validation error.

The CSV files contain the results of the queries when run against the Mapping Manuscript Migrations SPARQL endpoint as of 17 December 2021. Please note that Query 2, Step 2, produces no results, so a CSV file has not been provided.

The Mapping Manuscript Migrations portal can be found at 

SPARQL tutorials are included in the project's GitHub documentation:
Date made available2021

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