Mangrove layer - Western Australia



This layer has been developed as part of the IOMRC ICoAST project by Dr Sharyn Hickey and Dr Ben Radford

Information on the development and to cite this layer is in associated paper:

Hickey, S.M.; Radford, B. Turning the Tide on Mapping
Marginal Mangroves with Multi-Dimensional Space–Time Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, x.

The supplementary information associated with the paper has more information on the model and validation information. In particular, where the model worked well and where there is under or over prediction.
Date made available2022
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Temporal coverage2014 - 2021
Date of data production2021
Geographical coverageNorth-Western Australia


  • mangrove
  • habitat map
  • remote sensing
  • spatial analysis
  • estua
  • coastal vegetation
  • marine science
  • geography

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