Implementing Pure at UWA - ANDS Webinar Series 2017-05-03



The UWA Library has recently implemented the Current Research Information System – Elsevier’s Pure as our Research Repository.
This is a researcher profiling system which allows us to link publications, theses and grants to our researchers.
We are also managing another separate repository which holds our research datasets which uses the DSpace platform. This is called Research Data Online.
In order to consolidate our systems and resolve ongoing issues which we have with our highly customised version of DSPace, we have embarked on migrating our current datasets from Dspace into Pure.
We have encountered a few hurdles:
-We need to manually migrate our current datasets from DSpace to Pure
-We needed to create a crosswalk from Pure to ANDS’ Research Data Australia in order to harvest our datasets
We cannot automatically mint DOIs from within Pure and thus have need to change our administrator validation workflows to include a manual DOI minting step.
Date made available9 May 2017
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Date of data production3 May 2017
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