Grape phylloxera spread model



A model was developed to simulate the movement of phylloxera through a vineyard block(s).

The below code simulates phylloxera spread through two blocks that contain all preferred soil.

We also assessed the influence of soil type (preferred/nonpreferred) on phylloxera spread in the code below.

Next, multiple surveillance strategies were developed that either used the standard surveillance strategies or variations to it (PhylloxeraSpread_StandardSurveillanceVariations.R) or a surveillance strategies that targeted soil types (PhylloxeraSpread_TargtedSurveillanceVariations.R).

These surveillance strategies were overlaid on the spread simulations (output from spread model) to determine the time to detection and total spread of phylloxera.
Date made available16 Oct 2017
PublisherThe University of Western Australia


  • biosecurity
  • grape phylloxera
  • invasive species
  • vector dispersal
  • simulation model

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