DATABASE UAV photogrammetry data on short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) collected in the Canaries (off Tenerife island in 2021 and 2022 years, lead PI: [email protected]), the Lesser Antilles (off Dominica in 2017 lead PI: [email protected]) and the Azores (off Terceira island in 2018 and 2021 years, lead PI: [email protected]). Please contact the respective lead PI for any use of the data set and information provided here. PERMITS In the Canaries, the UAVs were operated under an UAV Operator licence (Register # 2020064914) and an Advanced certificate of aircraft piloted by remote control (RPA20605OT and RPA20605OP) under the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency (AESA). Research was conducted under a research permit from the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (permit AUTSPP/41/2020). In Dominica, research was undertaken under permit #RP16-04/88FIS-9 in 2016 and #RP17-08/12FIS-1 from the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of the Blue and Green Economy of the Government of Dominica. FUNDING Research in Tenerife was supported by the AgustÃn de Betancourt Fellowship financed by the Cabildo of Tenerife and the Canary Islands Development Fund (FDCAN), the Technology Transfer Office of the University of La Laguna, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology project FILMAR (FCT-19-1441), the Canary Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society project START-BLUE (ProID2021010029) and the Canary Islands Government project INMAR (EIS-2020-07). Research in Dominica was funded through a FNU fellowship for the Danish Council for Independent Research supplemented by a Sapere Aude Research Talent Award, a Carlsberg Foundation expedition grant, a grant from Focused on Nature, and a CRE Grant from the National Geographic Society to SG; a FNU Large Frame Grant and Villum Foundation Grant to Peter T. Madsen at Aarhus University; and supplementary grants from the Arizona Center for Nature Conservation, Quarters For Conservation, the Dansk Akustisks Selskab, Oticon Foundation, and the Dansk Tennis Fond.
Date made available | 5 Sept 2022 |
Publisher | University of La Laguna |