Data collected July-October 2017 in Western Australia
51 respondents, 37 farms, 3 locations
Study design, data collection and compilation: Myrtille Lacoste
Project supervision: Marit Kragt
This work was funded by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) of the Australian Government through the Royalties for Regions program of Western Australia, as part of a larger project to estimate the benefits of Doppler radar investments in the Western Australian wheatbelt. This work was conducted at the University of Western Australia (UWA), School of Agriculture and Environment, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
For more information see:
Lacoste M. & Kragt M. (2018) Farmers’ use of weather and forecast information in the Western Australian wheatbelt. Report to the Bureau of Meteorology. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, The University of Western Australia: Perth.