Data from: Experimental reduction of intromittent organ length reduces male reproductive success in a bug

  • Liam Robert Dougherty (Creator)
  • Imran A. Rahman (Creator)
  • Emily R. Burdfield-Steel (Creator)
  • E. V. Ginny Greenway (Creator)
  • David Michael Shuker (Creator)



Data all.xlsx:
All data from processus manipulation experiments 1-3.

CT scan
Raw slice images from CT scans, and VAXML files and 3D pdfs of 3D reconstructions.

It is now clear in many species that male and female genital evolution has been shaped by sexual selection. However, it has historically been difficult to confirm correlations between morphology and fitness, as genital traits are complex and manipulation tends to impair function significantly. In this study, we investigate the functional morphology of the elongate male intromittent organ (or processus) of the seed bug Lygaeus simulans, in two ways. We first use micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and flash-freezing to reconstruct in high resolution the interaction between the male intromittent organ and the female internal reproductive anatomy during mating. We successfully trace the path of the male processus inside the female reproductive tract. We then confirm that male processus length influences sperm transfer by experimental ablation and show that males with shortened processi have significantly reduced post-copulatory reproductive success. Importantly, male insemination function is not affected by this manipulation per se. We thus present rare, direct experimental evidence that an internal genital trait functions to increase reproductive success and show that, with appropriate staining, micro-CT is an excellent tool for investigating the functional morphology of insect genitalia during copulation.
Date made available23 Apr 2015


  • Genital evolution
  • Micro-CT
  • Genital ablation
  • Sexual selection
  • Functional morphology
  • Lygaeus simulans

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