Data for "Heat stress reduces the contribution of diazotrophs to coral holobiont nitrogen cycling"

  • Nils Rädecker (Creator)
  • Claudia Pogoreutz (Creator)
  • Hagen M. Gegner (Creator)
  • Anny Cárdenas (Creator)
  • Gabriela Perna (Creator)
  • Laura Geißler (Creator)
  • Florian Roth (Creator)
  • Jeremey Bougoure (Creator)
  • Paul Guagliardo (Creator)
  • Ulrich Struck (Creator)
  • Christian Wild (Creator)
  • Mathieu Pernice (Creator)
  • Jean-Baptiste Raina (Creator)
  • Anders Meibom (Creator)
  • Christian R. Voolstra (Creator)



Raw data associated with publication 'Heat stress reduces the importance of diazotrophs for coral holobiont nitrogen cycling'. 

"Rädecker_etal_16S.csv" contains sequence abundance data of annotated 16S rRNA ASVs for all five coral colonies during control or heat stress conditions at day 10 of the experiment. 

"Rädecker_etal_nifH.csv" contains sequence abundance data of annotated nifH rRNA ASVs for all five coral colonies during control or heat stress conditions at day 10 of the experiment. 

"Rädecker_etal_N2Fix.csv" contains bulk (acetylene reduction) as well as net (15N2 assimilation) measurements of microbial nitrogen fixation for all five coral colonies during control or heat stress conditions at day 10 of the experiment. 

"Rädecker_etal_NanoSIMS.csvv" contains raw mass count data of coral host and algal symbiont ROIs (15 images per treatment)  for one coral colony during control or heat stress conditions at day 10 of the experiment. 
Date made available2021

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