Data for: Ediacaran-Cambrian far-field hydrothermal event in the southeast of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil: evidence from zircon U-Pb SHRIMP, trace elements, Lu-Hf and oxygen isotopes

  • Flávia Braga (Creator)
  • Joao Santos (Contributor)
  • Carlos Alberto Rosiere (Contributor)
  • Vassily Khoury Rolim (Contributor)
  • Malcolm Roberts (Contributor)
  • Noreen Evans (Creator)
  • Steffen Hagemann (Contributor)



Procedures to zircon isotopic analyses
A.1. Sample preparation and imaging
A.2. Major and trace elements
A.2. U–Pb geochronology
A.3. Lu–Hf isotope analyses
A.5. 18O and 16O isotope analyses
Date made available10 Oct 2019
PublisherMendeley Data

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