Behavioral data for Great tit responses to alarm calls under high temperatures

  • Marion Cordonnier (Creator)
  • Mandy Ridley (Creator)
  • Thierry Lengagne (Creator)
  • Mylène Dutour (Creator)



This README accompanies the file "data_high temperatures alarm calls.txt" ********************************** CONTENTS *********************************** The data are in table form with TABs as variables field delimiters so they can be readily imported in any statistical package or spreadsheet program. Please, contact us if you need the file formatted otherwise. This file includes a description of the variables. ******************************************************************************* Variable names and descriptions ID ID of the behavioral test Date Date of the test experiment Hour Date of the test experiment Playback Playback ID of mobbing calls of great tits or Chaffinch songs used for the experiment Treatment Control (Chaffinch songs) or Call (mobbing calls of great tits) treatment Sex Sex of the focal individual Ncalls Number of mobbing vocalizations emitted by the focal individual during 1 min of playback Mindist Minimum distance to the speaker reached by the focal individual during 1 min of playback T0 Air temperature during the experiment T5 Mean temperature observed for the 5 hours before the test T12 Mean temperature observed for the 12 hours before the test T24 Mean temperature observed for the 24 hours before the test T48 Mean temperature observed for the 48 hours before the test Wind-km.h-1 Wind speed during the experiment Humidity Air humidity during the experiment P-hPa Atmospheric pressure during the experiment ********************************* CONTACT ********************************** Please contact me at: Marion Cordonnier e-mail: [email protected] *******************************************************************************
Date made available9 Nov 2021

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