Australian Election Campaign Television News Coverage 1998 ABC Perth 7pm DAYS



The aim of the project was to explore television news coverage of Australian election campaigns amd measure the amount of television coverage of political parties, leaders and election issues. National bulletins were collected and local news in Brisbane and Perth during the 1998 federal election campaign. This study was also conducted in 2001. This study measures coverage of 12 election issues as defined in the Australian Election Study (ADA No. 1001) as were 10 other issues. This file refers to the ABC Perth News coverage at 7 pm. Variables include time in seconds given to political parties and political leaders in each day of the campaign. Also measured was time given to election issues including: education, environment, health, industrial relations and taxation.
Date made available29 Nov 2018
PublisherDataverse (Australian Data Archive, ADA)
Temporal coverage12 Feb 1998 - 2 Oct 1998
Date of data production12 Feb 2008

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