Assessing the distribution of the invasive Pearl Cichlid in the Canning River, Perth, Western Australia



This datafile accompanies the paper titled "Active eDNA is more cost-effective than fyke nets or passive eDNA collection when monitoring the invasion of an alien freshwater fish" published in the journal Environmental DNA

Paper authors are: Lenore Morris, Leah Beesley, Emma Stevens, Daniel Gwinn, Josephine Hyde, Suzanne Thompson, Deirdre Gleeson and Michael Douglas

The study was undertaken as part of Honours and Master's research.
Fish surveys were undertaken in 2015 and 2021.
Date made available17 Jun 2024
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Temporal coverage2015 - 2021
Geographical coverageCanning River, Perth, Western Australia
Geospatial point-32.121542, 116.040930Show on map


  • Geophagus brasiliensis
  • freshwater fish
  • Canning River
  • Perth-WA
  • Pearl cichlid
  • eDNA
  • environmental DNA

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