Additional file 4 of Genetic variants of TLR4, including the novel variant, rs5030719, and related genes are associated with susceptibility to clinical malaria in African children

  • Amir Ariff (Creator)
  • Yong Song (Curtin University) (Creator)
  • Ruth Aguilar (Creator)
  • Augusto Nhabomba (Creator)
  • Maria Nelia Manaca (Creator)
  • Kim Khoo (Creator)
  • Selma Wiertsema (Creator)
  • Quique Bassat (Creator)
  • Arnoldo Barbosa (Creator)
  • Llorenç Quintó (Creator)
  • Ingrid Laing (Creator)
  • Caterina Guinovart (Creator)
  • Pedro L. Alonso (Creator)
  • Carlota Dobaño (Creator)
  • Peter Le Souef (Creator)
  • Brad Zhang (Creator)



Additional file 4: Table S4. Table of statistically significant single nucleotide polymorphismsand insertion/deletion eventscorrelated with episodes of anaemia or Plasmodium sp. Parasitaemia in child and/or mother. The column ‘rs_value’ lists the rs number associated with the SNP as defined in the NCBI dbSNP repository, ‘maternal/child’ lists the genome in which the SNP was identified, and ‘association’ lists the phenotype statistically associated with the SNP. Statistical columns respectively list the beta value for the association, standard error, Wald-value for hypothesis-testing, the p-value for the test, exponent of the beta value’), as well as the upper and lower values for the 95% confidence interval limit. The final columns, ‘ref’ and ‘alt’ denote the reference and alternate genotypes for SNPs and indels.
Date made available7 Jun 2023

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