A survey dataset to identify industry practices and challenges for mine rehabilitation completion criteria in Western Australia



This dataset captures non-identifiable responses to a survey that aimed to elicit industry practice, barriers, and opportunities for the development of feasible and acceptable completion criteria. An online, quantitative survey was developed after conducting a series of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with industry stakeholders. The target respondents consisted of mining companies, consulting businesses, and relevant regulators in Western Australia. The raw survey data is provided here, and described in more detail in an accompanying Data in Brief article (DOI to be inserted). We are hoping that providing raw research data will help to increase transparency and facilitate reproducibility of the methods by researchers in other jurisdictions.
Date made available10 Feb 2021
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Temporal coverage2018
Date of data productionJul 2018 - Sept 2018
Geographical coverageWestern Australia


  • Closure criteria
  • Mine closure
  • Completion criteria
  • Mine rehabilitation
  • Survey data

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