A marine heat wave drives massive losses from the world’s largest seagrass carbon stocks

  • Ariane Arias-Ortiz (Creator)
  • Oscar Serrano (Creator)
  • Pere Masque Barri (Creator)
  • Paul Lavery (Creator)
  • Ute Muller (Creator)
  • Gary Kendrick (Creator)
  • Mohammad Rozaimi (Creator)
  • Alba Esteban (Creator)
  • James Fourqurean (Creator)
  • Núria Marbà (Creator)
  • Miquel-Angel Mateo (Creator)
  • Kathy Murray (Creator)
  • Michael Rule (Creator)
  • Carlos Duarte Quesada (Creator)



The database compiles published data (in Arias-Ortiz et al. 201X, Nature Climate Change, in press) on biogeochemical characteristics (density, organic carbon, stable carbon isotopes and sediment grain size) of soils underneath seagrass meadows in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Pb-210 concentrations of the first 20 cm are included along with C-14 raw ages. The dataset compiles data for a total of 49 cores, 25 - 300 cm-long (11 cores with Pb-210 data and C-14 data). Enquiries about the dataset may be sent to Ariane Arias-Ortiz: [email protected]
Date made available2017
PublisherResearch Online Institutional Repository (Edith Cowan University)
Date of data production2013 - 2015

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