Park taps shut off in lead scare

  • Anas Ghadouani

Press/Media: Press / Media


DRINKING fountains have been shut off at one of Perth’s most popular family and tourist spots, after the discovery of dangerous lead contamination.

In one case, a tap in Whiteman Park village labelled as filtered drinking water contained lead at 18 times the limit set by health authorities.

Testing of 10 drinking fountains and taps in and around the park by Channel 7’s Today Tonight found more than half contained elevated lead levels.

Period13 Jun 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePark taps shut off in lead scare
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletPerthNOW
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionDRINKING fountains have been shut off at one of Perth’s most popular family and tourist spots, after the discovery of dangerous lead contamination.

    In one case, a tap in Whiteman Park village labelled as filtered drinking water contained lead at 18 times the limit set by health authorities.

    Testing of 10 drinking fountains and taps in and around the park by Channel 7’s Today Tonight found more than half contained elevated lead levels.
    PersonsAnas Ghadouani