UWA Guitar Studio Southwest Tour

Activity: Service and engagementPublic performances or exhibition


Made possible by a UWA Alumni Fund Grant, UWA guitar students from 1st year to Honours embarked on a professional concert tour of WA’s Southwest and Great Southern, presenting public concerts at Trinity College (Perth), Wesley Church (Albany), St Mary’s Church (Busselton), and a fundraising concert for homelessness advocacy organisation “Just Home Margaret River” at the Margaret River HEART ("Hub of Entertainment, Arts and Regional Tourism”). UWA students gained invaluable professional touring experience which simply could not be replicated in the classroom.

As part of the tour we also engaged in community outreach, offering a free workshop and performance opportunities for over 40 guitar students ranging from Year 7-12 from Albany and North Albany Senior High Schools, which gave UWA students an opportunity to experience teaching and working with large groups of young students for the first time.
Period23 May 202127 May 2021
Held atConservatorium of Music
Degree of RecognitionLocal